DDPlayout - simplify broadcasting

thanks for your message. I tried to use the files that come with your software in the ddplay media folder. i clicked on the import media button. there comes a window with an empty list (Filename, Folder, Category etc.). There i click on Browse Media Files. And there, if i chose a file (from ddplay media folder, or casparcg media folder), that file dialog is not taking the file to the list of the window before.
if you know some hint it would be great. thanks

i watched your basic op video carefully, and a difference in the appearance is, that the green “Media” Folder left hand has no opportunity to browse or click on. in your video you browse through a tree. there is nothing in my app. maybe that helps to find a solution.

Seems there are no media subfolders. To test try this procedure: From windows, create a folder …DDPlayout/media/TestFolder Copy some media files to the new folder. Start DDPlayout, you should see TestFolder in the TreeControl. Now import the files under the new folder.

Hi, thanks. That went well, even though it seems weired. now i will test your system. For now it looks powerful. thanks

Hello, sorry, but I can’t find the ddplayout.exe file in the given link. Please help

I will be uploading a new version shortly, please wait until then.

Thank you very much, I’m waiting patiently

Hi sir, Any new update on this application?