DDPlayout - simplify broadcasting

After installing MySQL you have to install the playout databases by executing the command \ddplayout\tools\dbimporter.exe .

I am still trying to understand how to implement redundancy with DD Playout. Can anyone explain?

We are planning on implementing an inter-process and heart beat feature to support redundancy in DDPlayout, I will update accordingly.

i see you explained 1+1 what does that mean?
I also notice that DD P layout has other modules such as ingest. Where can i get the other modules?
I am also having an issue viewing mapped network drives to pull media

Frequently, a second system is setup for ingestion and file transfer, but the same can be used as a standby playout system, as elaborated in the attached manual.

DDIngest application is presently being upgraded and will be released subsequently. For a hot standby with (1+ 1) redundancy, work is still in progress.

For mapping network drive, please watch the short video clip attached. Creating soft links requires administrative privilege, so start the application in administrative mode, incorporated as default.

how log file of played items look like, because there is report to send of played spots to agencies?

You can go to BATS tab and generate the log file in xlsx format.

It would be great if you make video of configuring DDplayout from begining to making playlist and running first video

Link to the short video tutorial is given adjacent to the manual link in the first thread. I will go for a full video tutorial in future.

Hi There
I have downloaded it, But has so much limitations. I can not import mp4 files in it. I cant do change the settings. If there any please let me know.

how about source code?

Hi all. I have downloaded it.
The Playout work fine, but the Scrool Text and Graphic Overlay say me an error.

The log about Screen Text:

[2020-09-23 12:50:03.471] [error]   flash-player[cg20.fth.1080i5000|1920x1080] [error]        <invoke name="OnError" returntype="xml"><arguments><string>@Runtim
e error on template &quot;file://C:\Users\CZC4303FGP\Desktop\DDPlayout 2020 Beta\templates\\scroll1.ft@0@Error #2032@</string></arguments></invoke>
[2020-09-23 12:50:03.635] [info]    flash-player[cg20.fth.1080i5000|1920x1080] Uninitialized.
[2020-09-23 12:50:03.637] [info]    Sent message to CG OK\r\n

There in not Log about Graphic Overlay.

Best regards.

Seems like flash player related issue. Can you play a flash template through CasparCG console normally? If yes, give a try with scroll1.ft as well.

Hi seccpur.
I never installed Flash Player.
I have to do it?
My SysOp is W7.

On Win 7 you need to do that.

Flash is working just fine, it wouldn’t show that output if not.
That is a missing file or wrong path error. Google AS3 error 2032.
Maybe there is a root path setting not set correctly in the client?

Hello, we opened ddplayout and this problem happened

After integrating database with the application, start CasparCG followed by DDPlayout. During this first time launch, it will detect the version of the server and change the server configuration. Afterwards, restart both server and DDPlayout for normal operation.

thanks for your effort. I tried to download and install as you wrote above.
MySql Server install missed the configuration on the first run, so i needed to figure that out (you have to run the mysql install “again”, there you can configure the server).
then it first didnt start, so i changed the config a bit and replaced PAL with 1080p6000
then it started.
but now i am somehow stuck, because i am not able to insert any media. the file dialog shows the sample files in a folder, but when i press import, nothing comes out of the dialog into the next list. here i can press import or any button, but there is no file.
do you have any Ideas about that?

DDPlayout can only play media files under the folder defined in the CasparCG configuration file. In case your media files are located in another folder or network folder, softlink the folder to the destination media folder using DDPlayout command. Restart of the application is required after integrating the new media folder.