Server frontend / watchdog

nice work.

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This just keeps getting better.
Thank you for your work!

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Hey @rrebuffo, nice work. This release is quite nice and I’m already using it into production. Nice work.

One thing I noticed though is regarding the config file, which seems to be updated when the launcher exits cleanly instead of whenever changes are made. On my first test I made some configurations and then I cold rebooted my machine. When the program launched again, it didn’t save any setting prior to rebooting.

My workaround was to make my settings and then exit the launcher using the tray icon. Then launching again.

If this can be improved it would make the launcher quite resilient against unexpected reboots like power outages.

Thank you for your work, it’s fantastic so far.

Noticed this today when jumping between test versions. I changed the config so every time you change a configuration it gets saved and when the launcher is asked to exit, it just exits. The problem is that many config options are not raising the change event.

Another one is to resize the window.
I’m looking into it.

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Scratch all that! I see now that I already changed this and still saves the config on exit. The events are raised but the executable config is not saved probably due to conflicting settings versions. This should be handled by .net when you upgrade the settings but for some reason it doesn’t want to do that. Deleting all versions of the settings in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\CasparLauncher\ solved that for me in all the instances.

Please let me know if it’s still a problem for you.

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Just posted a new release that addresses some changes in server 2.3 LTS and adds a couple of features to the config editor:


Configuration Editor

  • Added new 2.3.x-LTS configuration options:
    • Flash producer toggle
    • FFmpeg thread limit and deinterlace.
    • Bluefish UHD support.
  • Better file error handling and display:
    • IO errors and illegible file errors prompts when opening a configuration file.
    • Status display when saving a file.
  • New Drag&Drop feature for channels and consumers:
    • Reorder channels by dragging them.
    • Move consumers between channels by dropping them in another channel.

Very nice work. Thanks.
I miss the opportunity to name the screen.

If I do it manually in the config-file, it will be overwritten the next time I make a change in the launcher


I don’t understand what you mean.
Are you talking about the tab (executables) names or the server’s screen consumer names?
Can you post a picture of the issue?

It’s on consumers screen:


I’ll look into it. Seems like it’s not in the config example, that’s why I didn’t add it.
I’ll update it later today.

cool :grinning: :+1:t2: …and thanks!

You kan see it here:

My bad… usually only looked into the actual casparcg.config example at the end. The wiki is not very accurate sometimes.

Use this link to download an updated version (it’s the same as the first post in this thread). I commited the changes in GitHub but didn’t add a new release for the moment.

That was quick - Thanks!

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@rrebuffo Great Tool :+1: In the executeables configuration there is the posibility to add arguments. Is there any documentation for possible arguments ? I’m specifically looking for a way to run the media scanner at a different port than 8000.

You should be able to change the port via config:


Thanks jcalado. That changes the port where the server is looking for the scanner but not the port of the scanner it self. If I change that to e.g. 8008 the server does not find the scanner still running at 8000.

oh. sorry then.
I’ve looked at the code of the scanner app and didn’t really find any arguments to be passed to it… I might be wrong though.

I would be easy enough to fork it and add that capability to it and maybe even contribute it back

I think you are correct. It may be hardcoded.
Maybe @Julusian, @mint or @Nytamin could clarify?

I’ve forked it an added the functionality.
Problem: I’m having issues with the build tool used to package the app.

Can run it from command line though.

Thanks @jcalado that was fast! As I’m not a coding guy I cannot help with building binaries. But I will be very happy to test and use it.