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I used quite alot Caspar with NDI trough OBS and was going pretty well with the old 2.07 but I have not yet tried with the new one.

To make the thing easy use this
Set a channel of the server as NDI (actually did not test it with this one but with the old _Casparfrontend that you find in the section download of casparCG…it should be the same)

Start OBS and then set OBS as the following picture you should be able to see the source named as the pc name where you are running Caspar

It works pretty smoothly. Try the first time to run obs and caspar on the same pc, so you can exclude NDI networking issues given by managed switch, firewalls or bad cablings.

Let me know if still doesn’t work and I will make a check on monday with the new server 2.3.1 and send you more screenshots

Good luck!