I’ve started on a getting started guide, let’s discuss what other chapters we’d like and continue frome there!
I started to write a guide for Flash template creation a few weeks ago. And I am building a ActionScript library now, that makes it easier to do advanced Flash templates. I will share all of this as soon as it is in a stable state. Probably later on the library can be converted to javascript.
I would love to see an HTML template guide along with a library of publicly available html templates and how they work.
even if the old forum is gone there is still youtube left. Theres is my (rather crappy) “CasparCG beginners tutorial”. I would love if someone would do it a bit better, but I did cover all the basics in less than 8 minutes. and lets not forget Jonas flash template tutorial . In many cases a videotutorial, combined with a technical wiki, is more effective than a written guide, especcially if you can narrow the tutorial down so that the length is 10-15 min. For example I think a video tutorial of how too configure a server would be useful,and then probably we need one tutorial in how to install/configure a NDI-channel. In written it would be nice to have what the font-path does and what and from where does it use fonts if it cant find the right on in the predefinded folder. Again I have put too much in one post
I would love to see more video tutorials, but I think they should also be “wrapped” in a wiki article. this makes adding notes later on easier as well.
totally agree.