Why does the AllowListUrlPattern contain these spaces? No, you should not copy the files to the template folder, that does not do anything, but wasting a little space on your harddisc
copy and paste error.
What does it say in the log, when you play a Flash template? Do you run one of the patched builds?
after starting the twoliner module, the console gives this message:
2021-02-15 16:19:33.025] [info] Received message from CG 1-66 ADD 66 "cmp/TwoLiner/TwoLiner" 1 "<templateData><componentData id=\"xf0\"><data id=\"text\" value=\"RW5naW5lZXJpbmcgQXNzaXN0YW50LCBEb29yZGFyc2FoYW4gS2VuZHJhLCBNdW1iYWksIEluZGlh\" /></componentData><componentData id=\"f0\"><data id=\"text\" value=\"Engineering Assistant, Doordarsahan Kendra, Mumbai, India\" /></componentData><componentData id=\"xf1\"><data id=\"text\" value=\"UmFtIExhbCBUcmlwYXRoaQ==\" /></componentData><componentData id=\"f1\"><data id=\"text\" value=\"Ram Lal Tripathi\" /></componentData></templateData>"\r\n
[2021-02-15 16:19:33.025] [error] Turn on log level debug for stacktrace.
[2021-02-15 16:19:33.025] [info] Sent message to CG ADD FAILED\r\n
That looks like it does not find the template… Does Caspar find the Flash player? What does it say at startup? Could you use the </> button to format logs and code, please.
Type "q" to close application.
Logging [info] or higher severity to log/
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.727] [info] ############################################################################
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.727] [info] CasparCG Server is distributed by the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation (SVT)
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.727] [info] under the GNU General Public License GPLv3 or higher.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.727] [info] Please see LICENSE.TXT for details.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.727] [info] http://www.casparcg.com/
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.727] [info] ############################################################################
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.727] [info] Starting CasparCG Video and Graphics Playout Server 2.3.1 e767c1dda Release
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.846] [info] Initializing OpenGL Device.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.847] [info] Initialized OpenGL 4.5.0 NVIDIA 452.39 NVIDIA Corporation
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.848] [info] Initialized ffmpeg module.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.848] [info] Initialized oal module.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.848] [info] Initialized decklink module.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.848] [info] Initialized screen module.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.848] [info] Initialized newtek module.
[0215/162821.859:ERROR:gpu_process_transport_factory.cc(990)] Lost UI shared context.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.875] [info] Initialized html module.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.875] [info] Flash support is disabled
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.875] [info] Initialized flash module.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] Initialized bluefish module.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] Initialized image module.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] "C:/CasparCG_Server\casparcg.config":
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] -----------------------------------------
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <configuration>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <paths>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <media-path>S:/studio/_STUDIO PLAYER/</media-path>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <log-path>log/</log-path>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <data-path>data/</data-path>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <template-path>template/</template-path>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <thumbnails-path>thumbnails\</thumbnails-path>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] </paths>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <thumbnails>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <generate-thumbnails>false</generate-thumbnails>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] </thumbnails>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <channels>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <channel>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <video-mode>1080i5000</video-mode>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <consumers>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <decklink>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <device>6</device>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <embedded-audio>true</embedded-audio>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <latency>low</latency>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <keyer>external_separate_device</keyer>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <key-device>8</key-device>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] </decklink>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <newtek-ivga/>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] </consumers>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] </channel>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] </channels>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <controllers>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <tcp>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <port>5250</port>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] <protocol>AMCP</protocol>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] </tcp>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] </controllers>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] </configuration>
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.876] [info] -----------------------------------------
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.881] [info] Initialized OpenGL Accelerated GPU Image Mixer for channel 1
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.882] [info] video_channel[1|1080i5000] Successfully Initialized.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.965] [info] DeckLink Quad 2 [1-6&&8|1080i5000] Enabled low-latency mode.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.966] [info] DeckLink Quad 2 [1-6&&8|1080i5000] Enabled embedded-audio.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.966] [info] DeckLink Quad 2 [1-6&&8|1080i5000] Enabled low-latency mode.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.976] [info] DeckLink Quad 2 [1-6&&8|1080i5000] Initialized.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.979] [info] Loaded C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Processing.AirSend.x64.dll
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.984] [info] newtek-ivga[not connected] Initialized.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.984] [info] Initialized channels.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.985] [info] Initialized controllers.
[2021-02-15 16:28:21.985] [info] Initialized osc.
[2021-02-15 16:28:22.069] [info] DeckLink Quad 2 [1-6&&8|1080i5000] Reference signal: not detected.
So in log i can see Flash support is disabled.
So put a code in casparcg.config file above last line.
I changed the config and still no effect
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<media-path>S:/studio/_STUDIO PLAYER/</media-path>
<newtek-ivga />
<log-level> trace [trace|debug|info|warning|error]</log-level>
<channel-grid> false [true|false]</channel-grid>
<auto-deinterlace> true [true|false]</auto-deinterlace>
<auto-transcode> true [true|false]</auto-transcode>
<pipeline-tokens> 2 [1..] </pipeline-tokens>
<blend-modes> false [true|false]</blend-modes>
<straight-alpha> false [true|false]</straight-alpha>
<chroma-key> false [true|false]</chroma-key>
<mipmapping_default_on>false [true|false]</mipmapping_default_on>
<enabled>true [true|false]</enabled>
<buffer-depth>auto [auto|1..]</buffer-depth>
<generate-thumbnails>true [true|false]</generate-thumbnails>
<video-mode> PAL [PAL|NTSC|576p2500|720p2398|720p2400|720p2500|720p5000|720p2997|720p5994|720p3000|720p6000|1080p2398|1080p2400|1080i5000|1080i5994|1080i6000|1080p2500|1080p2997|1080p3000|1080p5000|1080p5994|1080p6000|1556p2398|1556p2400|1556p2500|dci1080p2398|dci1080p2400|dci1080p2500|2160p2398|2160p2400|2160p2500|2160p2997|2160p3000|dci2160p2398|dci2160p2400|dci2160p2500] </video-mode>
<channel-layout>stereo [mono|stereo|dts|dolbye|dolbydigital|smpte|passthru]</channel-layout>
<straight-alpha-output>false [true|false]</straight-alpha-output>
<key-device>device + 1 [1..]</key-device>
<embedded-audio>false [true|false]</embedded-audio>
<channel-layout>stereo [mono|stereo|dts|dolbye|dolbydigital|smpte|passthru]</channel-layout>
<latency>normal [normal|low|default]</latency>
<keyer>external [external|external_separate_device|internal|default]</keyer>
<key-only>false [true|false]</key-only>
<buffer-depth>3 [1..]</buffer-depth>
<custom-allocator>true [true|false]</custom-allocator>
<embedded-audio>false [true|false]</embedded-audio>
<channel-layout>stereo [mono|stereo|dts|dolbye|dolbydigital|smpte|passthru]</channel-layout>
<key-only>false [true|false]</key-only>
<aspect-ratio>default [default|4:3|16:9]</aspect-ratio>
<stretch>fill [none|fill|uniform|uniform_to_fill]</stretch>
<windowed>false [true|false]</windowed>
<key-only>false [true|false]</key-only>
<auto-deinterlace>true [true|false]</auto-deinterlace>
<vsync>false [true|false]</vsync>
<name>[Screen Consumer]</name>
<borderless>false [true|false]</borderless>
<channel-layout>stereo [mono|stereo|dts|dolbye|dolbydigital|smpte|passthru]</channel-layout>
<provide-sync>true [true|false]</provide-sync>
<vcodec>libx264 [libx264|qtrle]</vcodec>
<separate-key>false [true|false]</separate-key>
<channels>L R</channels>
<channels>C L R Ls Rs LFE</channels>
<channels>L R C LFE Ls Rs Lmix Rmix</channels>
<channels>L C R Ls Rs LFE</channels>
<channels>L R C LFE Ls Rs</channels>
<channels />
<mapping>C L 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>C R 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>C L 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>C R 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>C L 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>C R 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>C Lmix 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>C Rmix 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>L C 1.0</mapkping>
<mapping>R C 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>L L 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>R R 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>L L 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>R R 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>L Lmix 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>R Rmix 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>L C 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>R C 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>C C 0.707</mapping>
<mapping>Ls C 0.707</mapping>
<mapping>Rs C 0.707</mapping>
<mapping>L L 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>R R 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>C L 0.707</mapping>
<mapping>C R 0.707</mapping>
<mapping>Ls L 0.707</mapping>
<mapping>Rs R 0.707</mapping>
<mapping>L L 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>R R 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>C C 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>Ls Ls 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>Rs Rs 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>LFE LFE 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>L Lmix 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>R Rmix 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>C Lmix 0.707</mapping>
<mapping>C Rmix 0.707</mapping>
<mapping>Ls Lmix 0.707</mapping>
<mapping>Rs Rmix 0.707</mapping>
<mapping>Lmix C 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>Rmix C 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>Lmix L 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>Rmix R 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>L L 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>R R 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>C C 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>Ls Ls 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>Rs Rs 1.0</mapping>
<mapping>LFE LFE 1.0</mapping>
Type "q" to close application.
Logging [info] or higher severity to log/
[2021-02-15 16:52:23.931] [info] ############################################################################
[2021-02-15 16:52:23.931] [info] CasparCG Server is distributed by the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation (SVT)
[2021-02-15 16:52:23.932] [info] under the GNU General Public License GPLv3 or higher.
[2021-02-15 16:52:23.932] [info] Please see LICENSE.TXT for details.
[2021-02-15 16:52:23.932] [info] http://www.casparcg.com/
[2021-02-15 16:52:23.932] [info] ############################################################################
[2021-02-15 16:52:23.932] [info] Starting CasparCG Video and Graphics Playout Server 2.3.1 e767c1dda Release
[2021-02-15 16:52:24.047] [info] Initializing OpenGL Device.
[2021-02-15 16:52:24.047] [info] Initialized OpenGL 4.5.0 NVIDIA 452.39 NVIDIA Corporation
[2021-02-15 16:52:24.048] [info] Initialized ffmpeg module.
[2021-02-15 16:52:24.048] [info] Initialized oal module.
[2021-02-15 16:52:24.048] [info] Initialized decklink module.
[2021-02-15 16:52:24.048] [info] Initialized screen module.
[2021-02-15 16:52:24.048] [info] Initialized newtek module.
[0215/165224.060:ERROR:gpu_process_transport_factory.cc(990)] Lost UI shared context.
[2021-02-15 16:52:24.074] [info] Initialized html module.
[2021-02-15 16:52:24.075] [info] Flash support is disabled
[2021-02-15 16:52:24.075] [info] Initialized flash module.
[2021-02-15 16:52:24.075] [info] Initialized bluefish module.
[2021-02-15 16:52:24.075] [info] Initialized image module.
[2021-02-15 16:52:24.075] [info] "C:/CasparCG_Server\casparcg.config":
Maybe some more ideas? I really need this functionality. I don’t know what else I can check
Understand, that everything between <!--
and -->
is commented out and does not do anything. Try with this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<media-path>S:/studio/_STUDIO PLAYER/</media-path>
<newtek-ivga />
Great! It worked
Thanks guys
Hi, I learned that a new Windows Update is in place to remove Flash completely from Windows now. Be aware.
I have installed a tool that stops the updates. Could be a way to do it.
Does someone find a working solution ? I losed flash in my main laptop that I developed all of my projects . I try to reinstall didi solution without success
I ve been lucky and I have a restore point now flash is working again.
I’ve also install stopwindowsupdate to bypass this update, for now
Please discuss that further at this topic.