Woff2 font on casparcg

i have problem using a specific web font on casparcg the idea is that casparcg is running over the url so i dont have to install the font on the pc

everything is fine when i run via. live server

any clues?

Try to make a minimum html-file where you’re able to reproduce the issue, and post it here. Also, which version of Caspar are you using?

It’s running v2.3.2
the error is just that caspar isent able to read the font

WOFF2 support is a bit more patchy to that of WOFF because, from my understanding, it doesn’t seem to offer any advances apart from compression, which I can’t imagine would have any noticeable effect over a local network.

If you used a converter to change it from any other format, try converting it to just WOFF and see if that makes any difference. Also, give your CSS @font-face code another quick skim through, just to be sure.

if the goal is not having to install fonts, you can embed them in the html template so it could run everywhere
like (CSS):

@font-face {
	font-family: HelveticaNeue;
	src: url(../_Fonts/HelveticaNeue.ttc);