webCG & CasperCG

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i liked the WebCG Add-On for CCG, I made run on local host however I dont now how to see it on CCG, I would like some to help me in this to see it iup & running

I found a link to the old forum here


However the old forum is not Online anymore

Please can anyone help me here


Based on the screenshot from the GitHub repo it looks like the client application expects the CasparCG server to be up and running. You can change the default port the server on in the caspercg.config file
will make it run on localhost:5250

Awayawm, thanks a lot for your reply

Everything is working fine with me, however I don’t see anything in the PAL window

I hope you understood what I mean, and I hope if I can have someone used this Addon or something similar

Thanks & waiting help

could the issue be something like this? [HELP] cannot get HTML templates to work