Template info?

It is see here:

But still it, won’t give me the fields, even though I have defined a XML constant.

Werid, that works for me. Can you post the constant here?

Here is link for the files:

I don’t think that the xml type works, as the field should receive a string just replace with:


It changes nothing.
When I export it from flash it just says:

That’s excatly what I get when I use the INFO TEMPLATE in CasparCG

Hm, what version of the Template Generator do you use? In the top right corner it says it very very small. What version of Flash / Animate? Because, if I remeber right that did not work in older template Generators, around CS6 or so.

And by the way: The framerate should be set to 50 for 1080i50 otherways it will flicker.

I use Flash CS6 and template generator 2.1.2 CC
But you mentioned earlier that it’s not possible with TLF text.
Now I’ve just tested with anotger template, that worked, and when I turn fields to TLF text it. does’nt work.
But to embed the fonts, and make sure that the template uses the font, I need to use TLF text, is’nt that right?
Then it might not be possible?

No, you only need TLF text for Arabic. For the normal languages you can use the normal dynamic textfields and also the newest Flash / Animater CC and TemplateGenerator versions. The dynamic text can also use the embedded fonts: Add the font to the library and name it. While you selected your textfield, scroll the font dropdown until you find the font with your name. It is normally on top of the list so you have to scroll upwards.

I also had to use TLF text in my template to get it work, as described here: In this link

So my problem in this is the TLF text, I think that might be the reason.

I still don‘t understand why you think you need to use TLF text. What does that help? I do templates nearly every day and never had a problem, as long the text goes from left to right. For right to left text, like in arabic, one should better do HTML templates.

Cause when I use Classic Text, the template does not use the embeded font.

That works for me. “OneBold” is an embedded font. I did that for years. Started with CS4.

In flash it looks right, the right font and so on, but when using on CasparCG it uses another font.
How is your settings here?
To use the specific font, I had to do this, otherwise it would’nt work?
Why, I don’t know!

That setting only deals with the TLF.swf file. It has nothing to do with the embedding of fonts. How are your settings here? This is from an old CS4 install on another machine. I currently have no CS6 around. You see in these old versions the glyph embedding had to be done in the textfield. In the newer version it’s done in the font, while embedding it. (You can safely use all glyphs without seeing a performance problem in Caspar)


That is also done, I have embedded the font’s as I used to, and as you describe, but in CasparCG you could not see the right font when playing the template.

You’re already using quite enough AS3 code… Why don’t you just generate all the textFields by code? It resulted me more reliable than dealing with Stage movies and stuff…
I made a Text Class that wraps the text in a Sprite that you can handle and add filters to. It’s not TLF text compatible at the moment but it just works. com.mmehir.Text.as
You pass all the text parameters in the constructor arguments, add it to the stage and set the alpha to 1 afterwards:

	import flash.display.MovieClip;
	import se.svt.caspar.template.CasparTemplate;
	import com.mmehir.Text;
	public class TextTest extends CasparTemplate
		public function TextTest()
			var text:String = '<font face="Rockwell Bold">Bold Text</font>\n<font face="Rockwell">Regular Text</font>';
			var width:Number = 200;
			var height:Number = 50;
			var size:Number = 32;
			var color:uint = 0x000000;
			var font:String = "Rockwell";
			var align= "C"; // L: Left | C: Center | R: Right (Affects AutoSize for multiline mainly)
			var anchor:String = "TL" // TL: Aligns text to the top left | BL: Aligns to the bottom left (Affects scale transtions)

			var text1:Text = new Text(text, width, height, size, color, font, align, anchor);
			text1.alpha = 1;
			text1.x = 100;
			text1.y = 100;

Also, you should iterate all the fields into a loop with xml or something else:
instead of:

for each (var element:XML in xmlData.children())
	if (element.@id == "f0")
		tekst1_mc.f0.text = element.data.@value;
	// ...

and setting all the tweens by hand, you could do:

var textsArray:Array = new Array();
var numFields:int = 42;
var fIndex:int = 0
for (fIndex = 0; fIndex<numFields; fIndex++)
	textsArray["f"+fIndex] = new Text("default",0,0,40,0xFFFFFF,"Rockwell","C","TL");
for each (var element:XML in xmlData.children())
	textsArray[element.@id] != null)
	// ...
for each(var text:Texto in textsArray)
	text.x = 200;
	text.y = 100;
	Tweener.addTween(text, {alpha:1, time:0.52, delay:calculateDelay(text), transition:"linear"});

even reduce the number of fields by grouping two lines in one TextField like the example above.

I’ve made this very simple template here, have I done anything wrong?

I have embedded 2 fonts (the same font, one regular and one bold)
But the template shows another font on CasparCG

Mark this box:

If that doesn’t work, select the actual font (not the embedded one) in the fields “Rockwell” instead of “Rockwell*” then within the Template constructor define new TextFormats and set as default in the TextFields:

var tf1:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Rockwell");
var tf2:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Rockwell Bold");

f0.defaultTextFormat = tf1;
f1.defaultTextFormat = tf2;

If that doesn’t work either, then you have some problem with your flash player installation.

Oh and by the way, it worked for me when I generated it but your ft file shows the same font for the two fields

I’ve tested a bit more…
It seems as you say that it only uses one of the fonts ermbeded.
When I’m embedding 2 different fonts, its no problem, but here I have embeded the same font, 2 times, but one regular and one bold, and then it seems only to use the regular.