StreamShapers Converter - Building the Bridge from After Effects to CasparCG - from LottieFile to HTML-Template

For everyone familiar with using After Effects we wanted to create a great way to get the animation from After Effects into CasparCG and here it is!
StreamShapers Converter is free and Open Source!
Just throw your .json animation exported with Bodymovin into the Converter, check it, download and be ready for production with CasparCG.
You do not need to install it, you do not even need to build your own template to try the Converter as we already provide some graphics for your testing purposes.
Head right over to try the Converter and let us know what you think!

There is also some documentation available on if you want some further information on some more or less basic questions.
You will also find the neccessary information on any requirements you will need to meet in After Effects to make your template work.
StreamShapers Converter is a WebApp, but it would also be possible to build it as an offline version to use on production site without internet connection.

If you have any questions feel free to ask here, feedback is also very much appreciated!

Jan-Philipp, Richard and Nico


Good job. I’ve been waiting for this, the previous ones were difficult to use.

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Great that you like it! What kind of tools did you use before? Are there any features you would like to have implemented?
It would be good to hear if everything is working for you or if you have any kind of issues with it that should be fixed. :slight_smile: