
If someone needs an audio controller for CasparCG you should try this one.
Right now it has protocols for CasparCG (big thanks to NRK and, Behringer, Midas, Reaper (, Ardour and more to come.

It has a build-in OSC-API for Automation systems and runs very well with NRK´s Sofie
(but I guess most stuff runs well with SOFIE :slight_smile: )

If you been in front of a video mixer you will feel right at home.
For now you need to build it (description in but releases will follow.
Please feel free to contribute, come up with ideas and give feedback.


Release 0.2 with Mac OS prebuild:

NRK´s SOFIE controlling -> Sisyfos controlling -> Audio Mixer:

Very cool!!! Thanks

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Release 0.2.1:

  • Feat: Automation protocol change channel label: /ch/1/label
  • Feat: Automation individual fade time: /ch/1/mix/pgm -I {off or on: 0 or 1} -f {fadetime in ms}
  • Chore: Update build so it´s possible to build a full release on Mac (including win and linux)
  • Chore: CircleCI typetest and build test
  • Fix: Changed default IP port to 1234 instead of 8000 (as that could conflict with CasparCG MediaScanner)
  • Chore: Cleanup in Protocols (Midas and Behringer masters removed)
  • Fix: Grp faders PST button has reverse color status
  • Fix: Optimising Take - was slow when crossfading 32 channels at the same time.

Release 0.3.0:
A lot has been done on the CasparCG support
Ember protocol are almost there, but still not enabled on release.

This release includes support for light control, using DMXIS (

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Version 1.0.0-alpha1 is now released:
Sisyfos has been undergoing quite some work the last couple of month, and focus toward Automation system controller has been enhanced.
CasparCG are running daily.
Support for more Audio mixer has been added.
A VO-Level has been added.
And NEXT has been introduces, so you always can see what the Automation system will do next (Just like the PST bus did before)

Feel free to report back :slight_smile:

Is Ember+ in the release?

Hi Silid,

No, the current implementation of Ember+ has been that performant, ad that’s needed for smooth fades.
What Mixer are you looking for support for?

The next official release is expected to be 2.3.3 and are currently tested for production.
I know there’s work being done on the Ember+ for NodeJS lib and when that is good to go, well update Sisyfos

I was looking for the Lawo Ruby.

It looks a great project.

It has grown quite a bit since last update here, and has become a close friend to Sofie :slight_smile:
You can follow the project here:

Sisyfos Version 2 has been released.
It’s stable and in production at TV 2 Denmark


This is awesome! Any plans for dLive support? Not a broadcast mixer, but a popular one though. I suppose one could implement it using MIDI over TCP.

Hi Aleksander,

I have the Yamaha QL1 running with tcp kind of midi, and it wouldn’t be at huge thing to do the same with the dLive.
But right now it’s not in the pipeline until someone needs it for the Sofie project or sponsors it otherwise.

best regards