Serve templates from http path

I have a local http server running that serves html templates. I tried to add localhost or ip of the server to the casparconfig on the point where you specify templatepath.

Should be simple but I just can’t get it to work so that those templates would show up in the client.
Is there some specific format how you need to type URLs to casparconfig?

Thanks in advance!

That is simply not possible. Caspar needs file access to the templates.

You can show templates with the HTML play commands, but then you need another workflow to set variables. You could use NodeCG in this way.

I don’t know how to make the templates visible to the media scanner via http, but you can still play them anyway.
The draw back is that the templates need to be added manually.
If you are using the Official Client in the “Output->Target” definition you have to put the same address that uses the browser.
so for example:

for the localhost, or change the IP address accordingly

[my suggestion is to make the rundown locally on the same computer, and then edit the rundown.xml as a text file, so you can find&replace the root for all the entries on the rundown]

Thanks Andrea for explaining in detail, I wasn’t aware of the output target as a way of doing this. Thanks Didikunz also for input👍 This caspar is not the easiest environment to understand but finally I got them working.