I’m seeing “bad_request” “Pouch error” and “Invalid rev format” every time I run the media scanner. Could this be because I’m on Windows 11 or is there something I can fix?
This is a known bug in the version of scanner included in the 2.4.0 RC1 release
Use the latest release of scanner instead, which has this fixed Release v1.3.3 · CasparCG/media-scanner · GitHub. You can download the executable and unzip it into the server folder, then relaunch
Thank you so much. I can’t believe I was so close to the solution yesterday. I had already downloaded the new scanner and tried to replace it, but the scanner was open so I couldn’t. I was frustrated and for some reason didn’t think that would fix it anyway, so I closed everything and took a break. I just replaced it and it worked perfectly. I feel like a fool.