I know flash is dead, but I still use it since it is much easier for me than HTML5 (well at least yet). I a looking to do something like this:
I have two movie clips in my template, and in each movie clip there is a animation with two stop actions. Unfolding animation until 15th frame, and stop() at frame 15, after that there is another animation from 15 to 30 frames and second stop() at 30th frame.
I am trying to trigger movie clip to continue playback when I send specific variable to template. I have tried this command in SetData function:
for each (var element:XML in xmlData.children())
if (element.@id == "a")
if (element.data.@value == "1")
but this do not work, movieclip does not resume playback.
Can you share proper method how to control movieclip playback please?
Yes, i was trying that command too, but no effects. Is there anything specific in movieclip that need to be set. I have created one layer only for actions inside movieclip and placed two stop actions on keyframes there. It should work but dont know what i am missing …
Without seeing your files it’s very hard to guess. But I would guess, that something is wrong with your ActionScript code. And by the way: Did you link your ActionScript code to your animation?
I think you continue to trigger gotoandplay(), so you may start playing at specific frame, but instead of letting go you come back to the same frame over and over.
But I’m a bit rusty on actionscript, so I may be wrong.
In case you just need a boolean to clarify the state play/stop
I looked at it. I did not understand what you try to do. Some animations are on the main timeline and others are inside MovieClips. To be able to use gotoAndPlay it needs to be inside a MovieClip. I usually have the main timeline with only one frame and no action frames and control playout from ActionScript.
this is what I am trying to achieve. I am trying to put several movieclips in timeline, and every movieclip will have 4 steps in animation. When I send some data via C# client I am making (example variable a = 1) it will play movieclip from specific frame (like in this example I trigger movieclip p01 gotoAndPlay from frame 16). I have tried to have movieclips on first frame only, but still no effect. Is actionscript syntax ok for this what i am trying to achieve.