Problem with VB Client I'm writing


I’m using VB to write a client that calls a HTML scoreboard.
The person thats written the scoreboard relies on an Invoke command to make changes, so I’ve got a button which does this:-

InvokeControl(TeamHome('" + HomeTeamInitialsTXT.Text + "')")

The InvokeControl being a Sub:-

Sub InvokeControl(ByVal Value As String)
        If Me.CasparDevice.IsConnected = True Then
            CasparDevice.Channels(0).CG.Invoke(1, 1, Value)
                    End If
    End Sub

This sends a string to Caspar:-
CG 1-1 INVOKE 1 setTeamHome(‘MANUTD’)

This works until I try and send the text MAN UTD, then the update fails and nothing is shown.

If I manually type into Caspar, this commands works:-
CG 1-1 INVOKE 1 “setTeamHome(‘MAN UTD’)”
but I cant get past VB.NET IDE thinking there are too many quotations when I try and add them anywhere in code.

I think its something basic and my brain is failing me.
Does this make sense to anyone?

Space in data is a problem for server 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 but works with server 2.07. Your code will work in server 2.07.
So you will need to encode space while sending data and decode in html template.

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Hi Vimlesn1975
Thanks for that info, makes sense. I’ll speak to my HTML guy about that but have you any suggestions on how you’d encode the white space? Would it be as simple as replacing white space as a character before sending and removing in the HTML?
Kind Regards

In I have a function like this

Function replacestring(str As String) As String
        str = Replace(str, vbCrLf, "<br />")
        str = Replace(str, " ", "xxx")
        str = Replace(str, "'", "yyy")
        str = Replace(str, """", "zzz")
        Return str
    End Function

In html template I have a function like this

function restorestring(str) 
      str = str.replace(/xxx/g, " ");
      str = str.replace(/yyy/g, "'");
      str = str.replace(/zzz/g, '"');
      return str

And for updating a variable str1 with value str2 I have a function in html template like this

function updatestring(str1, str2) 
      document.getElementById(restorestring(str1)).innerHTML = restorestring(str2);

Thank you very much for sharing, you’re very kind.
Kind Regards

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As an update, I’ve made a slight alteration to your code which means you dont need to do any work on the HTML templates:-

 Function replacestring(str As String) As String
        str = Replace(str, vbCrLf, "<br />")
        str = Replace(str, " ", "&nbsp")
        str = Replace(str, "'", "&apos")
        str = Replace(str, """", "&quot")
        str = Replace(str, "<", "&lt")
        str = Replace(str, ">", "&gt")
        Return str
    End Function

Feel free to use if you would like.

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That is good extension of code. But WebUtility.HtmlEncode in will also be required for more extensible use.

backslash \ is also a problem which needs to be taken care.

For Backshlash

str - Replace(str, “&#92”)

and forward slash

str - Replace(str, “&#47”)

I haven’t tested, but the codes are from the same place so should work. : -