When I set command “ADD 1 FILE rec.mp4 -r 720x576 -b 5000” for record casparcg recorded 1920x1080
This command working with casparCG version 2.0.7 but not working on 2.4.0.
Please help me with this problem!!!
Thanks a lot!
When I set command “ADD 1 FILE rec.mp4 -r 720x576 -b 5000” for record casparcg recorded 1920x1080
This command working with casparCG version 2.0.7 but not working on 2.4.0.
Please help me with this problem!!!
Thanks a lot!
I tried following working fine.
ADD 1 FILE rec8.mp4 -codec:v libx264 -codec:a aac -strict -2 -b:a 128k -ar:a 48000 -b:v 2750k -filter:v format=pix_fmts=yuv422p,scale=720x576,fps=25,setdar=4/3 -filter:a pan=stereo|c0=c0|c1=c1