Anybody out there, who uses casparcg with OpenMedia from CGI? Perhaps by sofie MOS automation or some rundown download with the Sofie Spreadsheed Interface. Our goal would be do editorial planing in OpenMedia and using some vMix and CasparCG with its rundown. We know there exists a casparcg graphics interface in mosart from viz but there is no interface to vMix, too. Sofie seems to have this all but no binding to OpenMedia as it is documented.
Maybe ask the OpenMedia people, I wanted to do that many years ago, but it never did. I worked for a TV station, that had OpenMedia, at that time, and we wanted to replace the Inscriber system…
In theory OpenMedia and Sofie can be connected through MOS but we’ve found there are some minor differences between ENPS (which sofie was developed for) and OpenMedia that prevent this working right now. These are expected to be fixed in Q2 2024 (no guarantees)