Noob .. Server Error when Play File

hi, I’m New to Caspar,
I try download and run latest server 2.4.3 and client from download page,
but when I play some MXF or MP3 file there error on log.
and video not play.

[2025-03-04 11:53:13.581] [warning] [ffmpeg] [Parsed_amerge_0 @ 000001ECE6D83200] No channel layout for input 1
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.581] [warning] 
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.582] [warning] [ffmpeg] [Parsed_amerge_0 @ 000001ECE6D83200] Input channel layouts overlap: output layout will be determined by the number of distinct input channels
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.582] [warning] 
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.609] [error]   Exception: No diagnostic information available.

[2025-03-04 11:53:13.609] [error]    0# 0x00007FF742CE2D57 in casparcg
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.609] [error]    1# 0x00007FF742CE27E5 in casparcg
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.609] [error]    2# 0x00007FF742FB00B9 in casparcg
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.609] [error]    3# _CxxFrameHandler4 in VCRUNTIME140_1
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.609] [error]    4# 0x00007FFC6AD02572 in VCRUNTIME140_1
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.609] [error]    5# RtlCaptureContext2 in ntdll
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.609] [error]    6# 0x00007FF742D811FD in casparcg
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.609] [error]    7# 0x00007FF742D7C203 in casparcg
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.609] [error]    8# configthreadlocale in ucrtbase
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.609] [error]    9# BaseThreadInitThunk in KERNEL32
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.609] [error]   10# RtlUserThreadStart in ntdll
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.609] [error]   
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.710] [warning] ffmpeg[TIPS BEROLAHRAGA PUASA|0.0000/184.0800] Latency: 8
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.711] [error]   Exception: Dynamic exception type: class std::future_error
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.711] [error]   std::exception::what: no state
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.711] [error]   

[2025-03-04 11:53:13.711] [error]    0# 0x00007FF742CE2D57 in casparcg
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.711] [error]    1# 0x00007FF742CE27E5 in casparcg
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.711] [error]    2# 0x00007FF742FB00B9 in casparcg
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.711] [error]    3# _CxxFrameHandler4 in VCRUNTIME140_1
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.711] [error]    4# 0x00007FFC6AD02572 in VCRUNTIME140_1
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.711] [error]    5# RtlCaptureContext2 in ntdll
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.711] [error]    6# 0x00007FF742D811FD in casparcg
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.711] [error]    7# 0x00007FF742D7C203 in casparcg
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.711] [error]    8# configthreadlocale in ucrtbase
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.711] [error]    9# BaseThreadInitThunk in KERNEL32
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.711] [error]   10# RtlUserThreadStart in ntdll
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.711] [error]   
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.762] [error]   Exception: Dynamic exception type: class std::future_error
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.762] [error]   std::exception::what: no state
[2025-03-04 11:53:13.762] [error]   

Please share you config file and your play command ( how are you playing file )

And it would be helpful (if there is any warning/error) at startup to have that log of the startup before you are trying to give any commands.
Does templates, images, mp4 work?
And to clearify @noumaan means that if you in the CasparCG window writes “PLAY 1-10 your_filename” what happens. This command should play out “your_filename” on channel 1 layer 10.

HI, I have found the problem.
is relate to my VGA, I use ATI Radeon . that the problem,
then I downgrade driver to 2019 driver and it’s works.

Thanks for sharing the solution.
It is always helpful for others to be able to see possible solutions