No countdown

When remoting into my Caspar cg Server via my laptop using cg client, I get no countdown and it doesn’t show volume in the right.

When using client on the same pc as server I do…

Does anyone know what the problem is?

OSC port maybee blocked by the firewall.

What is the workaround for that?
The windows wire fall is turned off

The „wire fall“, nice😂. Check if the switch/router has a firewall and if yes disable the port, that it says it uses for OSC in Caspar‘s config.

haha, didn’t see that.

Talked to my coworker, should be anything with the firewall or so called “wire fall”. but he saying my version of Caspar cg is very old.
I’ve tried to download the newest version I could finde (2.3) but it freezes on my Mac, the version I used before was 2.08.

do you know where I can find a version up to date that docent crash?

On you should find all versions for download.

There is good news and bad news about the MacOS versions of the clients.

The CasparCG client and server versions must be compatible because the format of the OSC status data changed with server version 2.2. If the client and server do not mach the clip progress bars do not function.

Server 2.0.x and 2.1.x should use a client 2.0.y (e.g 2.0.9, the latest version with websocket OSC control support). Server 2.2 or later should use client 2.2.

Client 2.0.9 works on all the versions of MacOS I have tested (I only have Intel processor Mac devices). My tests included the OS X Catalina series, OS 11 (Big Sur), and OS 12 (Monterey).

Mac client version 2.2 does exactly what is says in the readme file - and works on OSX 10.15 (Catalina), but is does not work on any newer versions OS versions.

There is a closed issue report on the Github client strand about the problem. The issue reporter rebuilt the client using a newer QT library on a newer MacOS host. See here for more detail.

I have tried everything now, and i can’t seem to fix it, gone all the to install windows on a laptop take a copy of the client used on the same mashine as the server (witch works with the Timecode)
It doesn’t either seem that the Osc ports are closed.

I have also tried remove the .Caspar good folder in windows witch made me see the audio meter

Pleased to hear you now have the audio meters. That confirms the client is compatible with the server and you are receiving the OSC data feed.

Deleting the .Caspar folder as you report doing (the folder in windows is usually found at C:/Users/<username>/.CasparCG) can have multiple benefits as it removes both the old client log files and the client configuration database. One of the elements in the client database is a version number, newer clients have extra stored items or different encodings.

One cause of missing progress meters can be when you run a newer version of the client, which updates the database version number and content, then you switch back to the older client.

The client Help About menu shows the database revision. A database that has only been used with a client 2.0.8 has a database revision number of 210. Client 2.0.9 changes the database revision to 213. Client 2.20 changes the database revision to 216.

When the client starts up it checks if it has been given a database name as a command line parameter. The folder that holds the database must exist, but if the database is missing the client creates one with default contents which then user the user editing to set preferences.

When experimenting with different clients it is best to always start the client from a shortcut, and include the target database name in the shortcut. The Target line in the shortcut starts with the path to the exe file and has the exe file name at the end of that path. Assume the windows user name is ABC, meaning the client logs and database are in folder c:/Users/ABC/.CasparCG. Specify the database to use by appending it on the Target line of the shortcut. Examples for three client versions are:

-t "c:/Users/ABC/.CasparCG/Client/Client208.s3db"
-t "c:/Users/ABC/.CasparCG/Client/Client209.s3db"
-t "c:/Users/ABC/.CasparCG/Client/Client220.s3db"

This stops later versions interfering with setups used by earlier versions. It has the further benefit that if someone else directly starts the client from the .exe in thedistribution this does not corrupt carefully chosen operational properties (such as show audio meters).

Hello, i just wanna say, it successfully ended up working tonight!
I ended up installing windows 10 using Boot Camp on my Mac and using the newest client.
I the deleted the .Caspercg folder 4 times, and then suddenly it worked after much frustration.

Now it has successfully and up working since and I’m very happy.
Thanks for all the help! It’s great to know a lot of people knows what’s up