NDI encoder

I have updated the 8-ch-NDI-runbook made by danish TV2
It now works on Ubuntu 22.04 with Desktop video v12.5 and NDI5-SDK
The scripts seems to be OK
I published it on Github
Hope someone have use for this

br markus



Just wanted to know this NDI Encoder will encode to SRT interlace?

SRT-libary is builded so it should be possible, interlaced not a clue

You could also test SRT Streamer

Since it was raining here in Finland this weekend I thought it would be a good day to update the NDI Encoder. So it still uses Ubuntu 22.04 since I couldn’t get the Decklink-driver to install on 24.04. But I updated the Decklink SDK to v14.0 (use driver 14.0) and NDI to v6.0.1.
Still a big shoutout to Olzzon who made the first version.