Hello everyone!
I’m trying to create a playout with Caspar, and I’m using the latest version.
I’m trying to receive messages via OSC, but I’m facing some issues.
When I try to receive these messages using these events, it’s working as expected:
eventHub.PlaybackClipChanged += OnPlaybackClipChanged;
eventHub.PlaybackClipTimeChanged += EventHub_PlaybackClipTimeChanged;
But when I try to receive these other events, nothing is being triggered:
eventHub.LayerPausedChanged += EventHub_LayerPausedChanged;
eventHub.MixerAudioDbfsChanged += EventHub_MixerAudioDbfsChanged;
And I really need to know when the video Starts/Pauses/Stops.
Could anyone help me with these issues?
Hello everyone!!!
Does anyone have any idea how to do this?
I’m using C# and the StarDust.CasparCG.net library to capture events.
Is it possible to capture Play/Pause/Stop events?
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much.
I usually use the “Bespoke-OSC-Library” available via NuGet for OSC handling. This works very good.
I also tested this library, but I couldn’t identify the Start/Pause/Stop.
Do you remember the topic of those messages?
By the way, I looked at your AE to HTML converter, BLUEPRINT. I’m also interested in learning more about it. Today, we are testing Loopic for this purpose.
I’m from a Broadcast TV in Brazil, and we are studying the use of CasparCG for Playout and CG.
Thank you very much for your time.
The problem with the current version of Blueprint is, that it started as a quick prove of concept. It then evolved and I added a lot of stuff, that I needed for the templates I build for my clients. Now I need to find time to make it a software, that can also be used by others. That is what I struggle with as it is always enough clients work to do 
When your product is ready for use, let us know
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