Media File Duration and meta Information

Hello All,
I am trying casparcg with C#. To get media file duration, what should I need to do?
I heard about Open Sound Control.
But need a brief help.
Plz help me to get video duration without playing video.

In version 2.0.7 there is that CLS command, that gives you all these informations. In version 2.2 it is probably not yet supported.


this seems to be a recurring question. Have a look at this thread.

It is quite simple, you connect to the server, via TCP/IP socket, send the command and parse the result.

You could use my library for it. It opens in Visual Studio 2010 Pro or up and contains two project, the library “CasparObjects” that compile to a dll and “CasparObjectsTutorial” that is a (very) quick example of a few functions inside the dll. VB.NET is not too far away from C# so that you should find your way trough the code. The compiled dll can also be linked into C# projects without problems.

Sure is supported now! If you have a recent build from and don’t forget to either start the scanner.exe manually or start CasparCG via the casparcg_auto_start.bat script you will have CLS, TLS and CINF commands via AMCP.

Thanks SIr