Loopic - visual tool for creating CasparCG HTML templates

Hi @imare , the tool looks really promising and I got much further very quickly than in any other tool. Is it possible to use images or png sequences as masks? I would like to use a png sequence as an animated mask that reveals the underlying text layers.This would be a function I would look for under Filter. If I had this function, I could adapt broadcast templates from a German public broadcaster for CasparCG and would almost certainly use Loopic in the future.

Hi! Right now there is no support for any kind of masking, but I am working on that and on a lot of other features and improvements so I suggest you stay tuned :slight_smile:


Can’t believe I haven’t seen this until now. This is incredible and super easy to use for our youth tv station (everything must be simple to use :slight_smile: ).
Also I second the idea of making masking possible. This would give a lot of possibilities for text and shape animation!
Really looking forward to the future development. Is there a trello board or so with planned features?

Glad you like it! Right now there is no public Trello board but if there is interest I will make one.

Hi , first of all ,
Amazing job, Congratulations @imare !!!
I wanna ask for dynamic image how can i load a flag from different country if the Dynamic ID is flag1 but the code is coming is for example ESP or USA. where is the place i can define this method ??

thank you very much.

Here is an example of code you need to add if you want the _flag1 image to load the image automatically by the value it receives (add this code to composition action).

loopic.useOnUpdate("_flag1", (dynamicId, value, next) => {
	const imgEl = loopic.getElement(`_flag1`);
	const imgSrcEl = imgEl.domNode.querySelector(`img`);

	const imgSrc = `./images/${value}.png`;
	imgSrcEl.src = imgSrc;

To sum up, make an image holder and set its id to _flag1. Then just send the country code with the _flag1 key to the template and the template will try to load the png image with that name from the images folder. Let me know if this works for you - feel free to contact me in PM as well.


working perfectly, thanks

i will ask you more thing if you dont mind , cause i am new developer xDD.

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First, congratulations on creating a really well thought out and easy to use application. Thank you.

I have a question. My caspar CG server is running at 1080i 59.94FPS (NTSC). How can I set the Loopic FPS to match my CasparCG server’s frame rate? I’m not able to set that specific frame rate.

Any help is appreciated.

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Deselect all the layers and on the right side, you will see composition settings. There you can change the frame rate.

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OK. Thanks. I will try that.

i try your html script @imare verry good and easy but how can change image from caspar , i try base64 but i get big line can user in caspar not working with caspar

CG 1-20 ADD 1 "ltwi" 1 "<templateData><componentData id=\"_title\"><data id=\"text\" value=\"NEXT : \"/></componentData><componentData id=\"_imagep\"><data id=\"image\" value=\".......

how can fix this ?

Just info if anyone else experiences this issue - @samir_assaad and I discussed the issue privately and concluded that there was a problem with the CasparCG play command - it was wrongly formatted by the client application.

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I have tried this tool and I am really thrilled. I would like to know if it is possible to crawl or roll with this tool. Thank you very much.

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Currently, the only way to make a crawler is using custom actions and animejs.
Here is an example project file (you can load it into Loopic). Let me know if you have any questions :slight_smile:

hi Imare, thanks for share. Can you help me how to crawl with image and text + image and text

Can you please explain a bit more about what you want to achieve? Do you need one or multiple images? Do they need to be loaded dynamically?

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Thanks, my mean is I use crawling image + text , image + text ….

I think he is talking about text crawl with image separator


Here is the crawler with the image as a separator between text sections.

How to use it? Send a text with the _text key and in the place where you want your image separator, just put #. Image img.png (which should be in the same folder as the .HTML template) will be automatically loaded instead of the # symbol.

All the new code for this example is in the Composition action, and the delimiter symbol can be changed easily from there.


Thansk so much, I tested and I see, this is for 1 image ( Symbol # is image ) if I need more image ( like multi image ( like # text 1, #2 Text 2 , #3 text 3…))
thansk and regards