Issues with two channels output with decklink Duo


i have a Caspar bux Running version 2.2 with two duo Cards but i keep getting errors when starting the Server. I want to have two channels (Fill and Key) to be outputted to the Duo cards, one for each channel:

[2021-02-09 20:18:49.753] [info]    Initializing OpenGL Device.
[2021-02-09 20:18:49.754] [info]    Initialized OpenGL 4.5.0 NVIDIA 445.87 NVIDIA Corporation
[2021-02-09 20:18:49.842] [info]    Initialized OpenGL Accelerated GPU Image Mixer for channel 1
[2021-02-09 20:18:49.843] [info]    video_channel[1|1080i5000] Successfully Initialized.
[2021-02-09 20:18:49.844] [info]    Initialized OpenGL Accelerated GPU Image Mixer for channel 2
[2021-02-09 20:18:49.844] [info]    video_channel[2|1080i5000] Successfully Initialized.
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.096] [warning] Device does not support video-format: 1080i50
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.369] [info]    DeckLink SDI [1-1&&2|1080i5000] Disabled low-latency mode.
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.372] [info]    DeckLink SDI [1-1&&2|1080i5000] Disabled low-latency mode.
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.416] [info]    DeckLink SDI [1-1&&2|1080i5000] Initialized.
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.542] [info]    DeckLink SDI [1-1&&2|1080i5000] Reference signal: not detected.
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.692] [warning] Device does not support video-format: 1080i50
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.966] [info]    DeckLink SDI [2-2&&2|1080i5000] Disabled low-latency mode.
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.979] [debug]   [decklink_consumer] Destroying on asynchronous destruction thread.
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.979] [debug]   [decklink_consumer] Uninitializing.
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.980] [info]    [decklink_consumer] Uninitialized.
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.979] [error]   Exception: C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\casparcg-server-dep\2.2.x\src\modules\decklink\consumer\decklink_consumer.cpp(376): Throw in function void __cdecl caspar::decklink::decklink_consumer::enable_video(enum _BMDDisplayMode)
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.979] [error]   Dynamic exception type: class boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<struct caspar::caspar_exception>
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.979] [error]   [struct caspar::tag_msg_info * __ptr64] = DeckLink SDI [2-2&&2|1080i5000] Could not enable fill video output.
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.979] [error]   [struct caspar::tag_stacktrace_info * __ptr64] =  0# 0x00007FF7D2E398AE in casparcg
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.979] [error]    1# 0x00007FF7D2E68C50 in casparcg
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.979] [error]    2# 0x00007FF7D305DDF3 in casparcg
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.979] [error]    3# 0x00007FF7D3056961 in casparcg
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.979] [error]    4# 0x00007FF7D3058A01 in casparcg
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.979] [error]    5# 0x00007FF7D2EA2438 in casparcg
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.979] [error]    6# 0x00007FF7D2F1DF5F in casparcg
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.979] [error]    7# 0x00007FF7D2F1B0E0 in casparcg
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.979] [error]    8# 0x00007FF7D2E345C9 in casparcg
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.979] [error]    9# o_exp in ucrtbase
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.979] [error]   10# BaseThreadInitThunk in KERNEL32
[2021-02-09 20:18:50.979] [error]   11# RtlUserThreadStart in ntdll

my decklink confoguration:


Is it an Decklink Duo or the new Duo 2? The second channel would sure need to go to device 3 and 4.