Hey guys,
im pretty new to casparcg so please bare with me.
I am currently working on a fixed installation in a lounge at a race track containing a 6x3 Videowall and some Screens around the lounge.
There is a PC with 4 Outputs which should output 2-3 different streams which are then converted and distributed via SDI around the lounge.
I tried a few solutions and got it down to casparcg which is the best fit for me. My only problem is:
If the customer wants to loop only one clip per Output he’s fine. But I would need the ability to loop a playlist with clips (because it will probably be used for background loops of sponsors etc.).
Is there any way with the casparcg controller or a third party controller to achieve this?
I read something about Redcast but it seems to only support one display.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!