Ice Hockey Client + Graphics

Does anyone have an Ice Hockey client for sale?
Many thanks

What should it be able to do? Have you considered using ScoreboardOCR?

Hi @didikunz

We are installing a 4 sided LED video wall box to be mounted from the cieling and act as an LED version of something like this

I think options like overlaying videos/stings etc. would also be great.

I don’t know much about Ice Hockey, but I understand its fast paced and complex timing and scores. So I think this might need to be quite specific. We’d like to provide an interface for the client to be watching the game and feeing in scores etc. rather than take the data from an already existing scoreboard.

Many thanks

Aha, you are the stadium scoreboard! I was thinking, that you do the broadcast graphics for live-TV or webstream. That is a complete different pair of shoes. Usually they use a dedicated hardware panel to update these stadium scoreboards. You would want to do that in Caspar? Sure possible, but not so easy, because it needs to be 100% perfectly following the rules of the IIHF. I don’t know if you even need them to validate your solution, before you can use it in a stadium…

Bodet for instance have such systems (scroll ab bit to see the video-wall based ones).

Ah cool thans @didikunz I’ll try and make contact, makes sense to make sure its been certified!
As always appreciated!