FFMPEG Broken index and layout


I just set a brand new server. But with the last stable version I had some strange return on console.
When running an mxf (Sony xdcam hd50) the file is correctly played on the output. However I can see some errors
[ffmpeg] [mxf @ 000000232C96…] broken or empty index
[ffmpeg] [Parsed_amerge_0 @ 00000023261E…] no channel layout for input 1
[ffmpeg] [Parsed_amerge_0 @ 00000023261E…] Input channel layouts Overlap : Output layout will be determined by the number of distinct input channels.

It happen if I use a 8 channels audio mxf file or a 2 channels.

The broken part is the most strange because with the same file on a older version of Caspar Server I didn’t get this warning, but only the two with the input channel error.
Does anybody has a clue to solve that ?

Here is my config file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


Kind regards

I face this problem too… have you solve it??