Error list starting caspar 2.3.3 lts


Over the past month, I have been getting a list of errors when starting caspar cg 2.3.3 lts on my home dev system. The system is a win 7 i5 cpu with nvidia g550 card. I am using the vga as a display screen. When I close caspar (leaving media scanner open) and restart caspar, there are no errors. There is nothing listed in the log as I suspect the list is generated before the log starts.
This same problem is on two systems in work where one system is a win 7, i5 , nvidia 780gtx and two decklink extreame 3d and also on a brand new win 10 , xeon, quadro and two extreme 4k cards. I have attached three grabs from my home system to illustrate the problem.

Any info to help fix this is greatly appreciated.


I have the same issue, 2.3.3 and windows 11, but looks like it has no effect