Error in scanner

Hi. Since a few weeks I keep getting errors in the scanner.
Because of these errors I am unable to start the scanner and CasparCG.
To make sure it’s not a configuration error or something else I downloaded the latest 2.3.1 LTS from Github but this gives me the same errors.
I am running Windows 10 (version 2004).
The error in the scanner:

[2021-02-06T09:45:53.939Z] ERROR (scanner/15556 on DESKTOP-L0GD81G):
    req: {
      "id": 3,
      "method": "GET",
      "url": "/thumbnail",
      "headers": {
        "host": "localhost:8000",
        "accept": "*/*",
        "connection": "close"
      "remoteAddress": "::1",
      "remotePort": 58338
    err: {
      "type": "Error",
      "message": "socket hang up",
      "stack": "Error: socket hang up\n    at createHangUpError (_http_client.js:331:15)\n    at Socket.socketOnEnd (_http_client.js:423:23)\n    at emitNone (events.js:111:20)\n    at Socket.emit (events.js:208:7)\n    at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1056:12)\n    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)\n    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)",
      "code": "ECONNRESET",
      "status": 500

On boot the scanner also shows a deprecation warning

[2021-02-06T09:45:43.253Z] INFO (scanner/15556 on DESKTOP-L0GD81G): Checking for dead media
(node:15556) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 3): Error: socket hang up
(node:15556) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

Because of the errors in the scanner CasparCG shows the following errors:

[2021-02-06 10:45:52.055] [info]    ############################################################################
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.056] [info]    CasparCG Server is distributed by the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation (SVT)
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.056] [info]    under the GNU General Public License GPLv3 or higher.
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.056] [info]    Please see LICENSE.TXT for details.
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.056] [info]
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.056] [info]    ############################################################################
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.056] [info]    Starting CasparCG Video and Graphics Playout Server 2.3.1 e767c1dda Release
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.660] [info]    Initializing OpenGL Device.
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.663] [info]    Initialized OpenGL 4.5.0 NVIDIA 452.41 NVIDIA Corporation
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.666] [info]    Initialized ffmpeg module.
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.666] [info]    Initialized oal module.
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.666] [info]    Initialized decklink module.
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.666] [info]    Initialized screen module.
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.666] [info]    Initialized newtek module.
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.717] [info]    Initialized html module.
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.717] [info]    Flash support is disabled
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.717] [info]    Initialized flash module.
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.718] [info]    Initialized bluefish module.
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.718] [info]    Initialized image module.
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]    "C:/casparcg\casparcg-server-v2.3.1-lts-stable\casparcg.config":
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]    -----------------------------------------
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]    <configuration>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]       <paths>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]          <media-path>media/</media-path>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]          <log-path>log/</log-path>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]          <data-path>data/</data-path>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]          <template-path>template/</template-path>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]       </paths>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]       <lock-clear-phrase>secret</lock-clear-phrase>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]       <channels>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]          <channel>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]             <video-mode>720p5000</video-mode>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]             <consumers>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]                <screen/>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]                <system-audio/>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]             </consumers>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]          </channel>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]       </channels>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]       <controllers>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]          <tcp>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]             <port>5250</port>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]             <protocol>AMCP</protocol>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]          </tcp>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]       </controllers>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]       <amcp>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]          <media-server>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]             <host>localhost</host>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]             <port>8000</port>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]          </media-server>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]       </amcp>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]    </configuration>
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.719] [info]    -----------------------------------------
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.725] [info]    Initialized OpenGL Accelerated GPU Image Mixer for channel 1
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.726] [info]    video_channel[1|720p5000] Successfully Initialized.
[2021-02-06 10:45:52.727] [info]    Screen consumer [1|720p5000] Initialized.
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.230] [info]    oal[1|720p5000] Initialized.
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.230] [info]    Initialized channels.
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.232] [info]    Initialized controllers.
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.232] [info]    Initialized osc.
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.622] [info]    async_event_server[:5250] Accepted connection from (1 connections).
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.622] [info]    Received message from VERSION SERVER\r\n
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.622] [info]    Sent message to VERSION OK\r\n2.3.1 e767c1dda Release\r\n
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.623] [info]    Received message from INFO\r\n
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.623] [info]    Sent message to INFO OK\r\n1 720p5000 PLAYING\r\n\r\n
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.624] [info]    Received message from CLS\r\n
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.624] [info]    Received message from TLS\r\n
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.625] [info]    Received message from DATA LIST\r\n
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.626] [info]    Received message from THUMBNAIL LIST\r\n
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]   Exception: C:\Code\casparcg\official-master\src\protocol\util\http_request.cpp(72): Throw in function struct caspar::http::HTTPResponse __cdecl caspar::http::request(const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &,const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &,const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &)
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]   Dynamic exception type: class boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<struct caspar::io_error>
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]   [struct caspar::tag_msg_info * __ptr64] = Invalid Response
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]   [struct caspar::tag_stacktrace_info * __ptr64] =  0# 0x00007FF68C63524E in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    1# 0x00007FF68C6557C0 in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    2# 0x00007FF68C749D81 in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    3# 0x00007FF68C72121D in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    4# 0x00007FF68C719442 in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    5# 0x00007FF68C71495C in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    6# 0x00007FF68C744FAD in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    7# 0x00007FF68C74446F in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    8# 0x00007FF68C6642A8 in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    9# 0x00007FF68C6C122E in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]   10# 0x00007FF68C6BF2D0 in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]   11# 0x00007FF68C631489 in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]   12# configthreadlocale in ucrtbase
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]   13# BaseThreadInitThunk in KERNEL32
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]   14# RtlUserThreadStart in ntdll
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]   
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]   

[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    0# 0x00007FF68C63524E in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    1# 0x00007FF68C634D2F in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    2# 0x00007FF68C8C9B8B in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    3# 0x00007FFE92C31030 in VCRUNTIME140
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    4# is_exception_typeof in VCRUNTIME140
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    5# RtlCaptureContext2 in ntdll
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    6# 0x00007FF68C74446F in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    7# 0x00007FF68C6642A8 in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    8# 0x00007FF68C6C122E in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]    9# 0x00007FF68C6BF2D0 in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]   10# 0x00007FF68C631489 in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]   11# configthreadlocale in ucrtbase
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]   12# BaseThreadInitThunk in KERNEL32
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]   13# RtlUserThreadStart in ntdll
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.659] [error]   
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.925] [error]   Failed to execute command: CLS
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.925] [info]    Sent message to CLS FAILED\r\n
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.936] [info]    Sent message to TLS OK\r\n\r\n
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.936] [info]    Sent message to DATA LIST OK\r\n\r\n
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]   Exception: C:\Code\casparcg\official-master\src\protocol\util\http_request.cpp(72): Throw in function struct caspar::http::HTTPResponse __cdecl caspar::http::request(const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &,const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &,const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &)
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]   Dynamic exception type: class boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<struct caspar::io_error>
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]   [struct caspar::tag_msg_info * __ptr64] = Invalid Response
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]   [struct caspar::tag_stacktrace_info * __ptr64] =  0# 0x00007FF68C63524E in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    1# 0x00007FF68C6557C0 in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    2# 0x00007FF68C749D81 in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    3# 0x00007FF68C72121D in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    4# 0x00007FF68C72DDF2 in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    5# 0x00007FF68C71495C in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    6# 0x00007FF68C744FAD in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    7# 0x00007FF68C74446F in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    8# 0x00007FF68C6642A8 in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    9# 0x00007FF68C6C122E in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]   10# 0x00007FF68C6BF2D0 in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]   11# 0x00007FF68C631489 in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]   12# configthreadlocale in ucrtbase
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]   13# BaseThreadInitThunk in KERNEL32
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]   14# RtlUserThreadStart in ntdll
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]   
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]   

[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    0# 0x00007FF68C63524E in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    1# 0x00007FF68C634D2F in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    2# 0x00007FF68C8C9B8B in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    3# 0x00007FFE92C31030 in VCRUNTIME140
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    4# is_exception_typeof in VCRUNTIME140
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    5# RtlCaptureContext2 in ntdll
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    6# 0x00007FF68C74446F in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    7# 0x00007FF68C6642A8 in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    8# 0x00007FF68C6C122E in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]    9# 0x00007FF68C6BF2D0 in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]   10# 0x00007FF68C631489 in casparcg
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]   11# configthreadlocale in ucrtbase
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]   12# BaseThreadInitThunk in KERNEL32
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]   13# RtlUserThreadStart in ntdll
[2021-02-06 10:45:53.940] [error]   
[2021-02-06 10:45:54.201] [error]   Failed to execute command: THUMBNAIL LIST
[2021-02-06 10:45:54.201] [info]    Sent message to THUMBNAIL LIST FAILED\r\n

I hope someone can help me solve thie problem.
Thank you in advance.

Hi, looks like maybe firewall blocking it, or port already in use by another app. Try if temporarily disabling firewall helps.

I think I found the problem. I was running Companion in the background which also runs on port 8000.
Thank you for your help!

I thought I found the problem but I didn’t have the time to properly test it. It turns out I still get the same error. I don’t have Companion running (or even the Streamdeck software). I have also tried disabeling the Windows Firewall but it doesn’t seem te make a difference.

I have tested if there is something running on port 8000 by going to localhost:8000 (when the scanner is not running) in the browser but I get an ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE (using Chrome) assuming there is nothing running on port 8000. When i do the same when the scanner software is running I get “Cannot GET /” and a 404 log in the scanner software.

Anyone have any idea?

Check if port 8000 is in use:
netstat -aof | findstr :8000

if you dont find anything
then restart windows
and re-check with the above netstat command

Thank you Dan!
Using your command I found there actually was something running on port 8000.
By using the Resource Monitor → Network tab → Listening Ports I managed to find out it was a Rocket Streaming Audio Server running in the background.