I have a question to the community how your development setups looks like. I mainly use linux and wish to start getting into the source code.
Building in docker takes a bit of time. How are you guys practically developing with the server? Is anyone developing on a mac and have a setup for that?
Is it most common to use development hardware and building directly on the test machine?
I mainly develop on linux these days, as its my preferred OS.
The section in the readme should be pretty up to date on what is needed to do so on ubuntu server/BUILDING.md at master · CasparCG/server · GitHub.
This will let you build it directly on your machine, and easily allow for partial rebuilds as you make changes, and integrate easily with any IDEs.
I would also recommend using the -DUSE_SYSTEM_FFMPEG=on -DUSE_SYSTEM_CEF=on -DUSE_STATIC_BOOST=on arguments to cmake. This will require installing the dev version of CEF from CasparCG : “CasparCG” team
If you aren’t using ubuntu, it also is possible (except for using system CEF) but you will need to install the needed dependencies, the install-dependencies script will provide guidance on what is needed.
I generally use CLion or VSCode, depending on what I feel like that week. I don’t think I have tried building with vscode, generally invoking things command line instead.
I typically do this on my workstation (Ryzen 7950X with GTX1060 and a decklink), occasionally a laptop.
I do still test on and sometimes develop on a windows machine, which is more intended as a playout machine (as many decklinks as it has pcie slots), but doing so over VNC is a little clunky and I much prefer the tooling of linux.
I don’t have any advice for macos, casparcg doesn’t run on that directly. Maybe it would work in a virtual machine, if a decent opengl translation layer is used.