Hey !
Question regarding transitions.
When I use a wipe transition on a video wall (5760px images splitted over 3 sdi output )
The transition happens at the same time over the 3 outputs . Like 3 separate 16/9 images wipe.
I would like the wipe to go over the whole 48/9 image . And thus, it should happen sequentially over the 3 Sdi.
Is it’ possible ?
When in use a mixer effect on the 48/9 virtual Channel (crop, resize , move …) it works as intended and the modifications happen all over the image , not on each individual output .
But transitions, don’t .
Don’t know if that’s clear enough.
I will post screenshots later
Thanks in advance !
In 2.4, you can do this by adding decklinks directly to your 5760px channel.
Support for this was added for this exact scenario: feat: decklink consumer "secondary" ports by Julusian · Pull Request #1493 · CasparCG/server · GitHub
This approach has some good guarantees on frame accuracy between the outputs (the decklink driver/firmware handles output sync)
It then also cuts down on the number of channels you need, and as a bonus will avoid the crop/resize issues you are seeing due to skipping the routing.
I think the transitions are done internally on the card level somehow. What you can try is use a transition either built as a videoclip or as a template. This should have a full screen white and then transition to a full screen black. Play that on a separate layer and use the MIXER KEYER effect to use it as a transition. That allows any pattern to be used as a transition, not only the standard wipe patterns.
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That would be a valid solution i guess. I can try.
But i think it will add complexity to the workflow if users have to add templates or video clip in between each media, to have the transition.
Ideally, transition is a a built in property of the place holder / playlist line so the property can be copied/paste into the whole playlist.
Its for TV broadcast and they sometimes have dozens of background images to play on the studio wall.
I would like to keep the worflow simple, without having to redeveloppe a custom client.
Maybe with companion i can send AMCP command to the server to use this in the background.
I’ll look into it, thanks !
Wow that seems nice.
Indeed, for now i use a routing, that i have to send at server lauch with the casparlauncher.
Skipping the routing and the number of channel seems like a big improvement.
Why didnt i find this on the documentation ? lol
Thanks again, i’ll try to setup this.
That sure is possible.
I once developed a program, that controls a bunch of video walls in a studio, It is controlled by special templates running on the main CasparCG channel (controlled by Aveco Astra via Octopus), These templates have no visual output, but connect via WebSocket to the program and trigger events on these video walls. This solution runs in a regional TV station since 2020 every day. The software could also made to be controlled by Companion or anything else.
Yes i have seen your software, but i guessed it was not distributed.
Julusian solution worked extremely well and i know have only 2 channels (one for the 3*1920 studio wall , and one for my 16/9 images routed toward the video switcher)
And the transition happens now on the full image, wich is awesome.
I am now trying to make a custom wipe (slanted), to fit the TV network graphical identity.
Thanks to both of you, that was quickly solved
I have now inconsistency with the 4th output who displays only 19-9 images for the switcher… It works randomly.
I’ll investigate
Could maybe be a PCIe bottleneck or something.
I use two old decklink duo for testing .
The four sdi outputs are over two different cards .
Maybe that’s why
But it was working great before (minus the transition problème )
I usually use Sysoft Sandra to check how many PCIe lanes are used for what. There is a free version, that does that. If you don’t have enough lanes for each card, it can give problems. The BMD homepage says for every card how much it needs. Sometimes it helps to disable a few USB ports to get a few lanes back.
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