Changing default Layer

When adding new media in casparCG the layer is alway set to 10 as default, is it possible to change so this always defaults to for example 100

I don’t know of any setting for this, You maybe can change that in the code, as it’s open source. But why would you want to do this? What difference would it make?

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@didikunz asks two important questions about changing the default layers (video, template, audio).

When you load a media element you already need to make several checks and adjustments to settings - such as the target channel number, delays or duration limits, transition properties etc.

The default layer is a property of the CasparCG client you are using. The default media layer numbers for the SVT Standard client are set in the C++ header file src/common/global.h. The layer values are part of the namespace Output segment. The following block shows that section from the Client version 2.3 source code distribution.

namespace Output
    static const int DEFAULT_CHANNEL = 1;
    static const int DEFAULT_VIDEOLAYER = 10;
    static const int DEFAULT_AUDIO_VIDEOLAYER = 30;
    static const int DEFAULT_FLASH_VIDEOLAYER = 20;
    static const int DEFAULT_DELAY = 0;
    static const int DEFAULT_DURATION = 0;
    static const bool DEFAULT_ALLOW_GPI = false;
    static const bool DEFAULT_ALLOW_REMOTE_TRIGGERING = false;
    static const QString DEFAULT_REMOTE_TRIGGER_ID = "";
    static const QString DEFAULT_DELAY_IN_FRAMES = "Frames";
    static const QString DEFAULT_DELAY_IN_MILLISECONDS = "Milliseconds";
    static const QString DEFAULT_PLAYOUT_COMMAND = "Play";

You need to download and install the correct version of the QT system to compile and build the updated client - one install for each host used to build the client for the operating system of interest.

Alternately if you really do need the media on different default layer numbers, have a look at the SuperConductor client from This client allows you to map the output channel number and layer to a logical name via the Home Layers set up.