Casparcg on Ubuntu 22.04

Has anyone tried to install Casparcg server on Ubuntu 22.04?

I tried the installation with build-in-docker and extract-from-docker and all went well without errors. But didn’t run because was missing. I’m not an expert on linux at all, but looks like there is already the version 8 so won’t install the previous one, I don’t know if there are more issue later

I just installed on a brand new server following the build instructions. And I’m just a regular Linux user.
The only problem I had was with NDI as you will need to download the NDI5 files and replace the NDI4 on the server.

Which instructions did you follow? I tried either the “Building inside Docker” and “Development” on the GitHub page

for the “Development” did not even compile, few errors that I don’t understand

the “Building inside Docker” did compile but I can’t manage to start because of issue

any suggestion?

I know I’m replying kind of late, but I also ran into missing libnettle lib, so I tried building CasparCG in docker manually and then created a Dockerfile based on that.
I had to make a couple changes, so it might not be the propper build, but it works (at least on my computer).

Hi @Bohoaush, thank you for sharing, I will try it

I also saw on GitHub that Ubuntu 22.04 is now supported, along the 20.04, but I tried last week and encountered the same missing problem.

Not sure if I’m doing something wrong, just executed the build-in-docker and extract from docker scripts

This is a known issue, and there is a pr open which will fix it once merged

I’m very happy to hear that!
thanks @Julusian