Hi all
Novice user here looking at getting 1080P out of CasparCG.
Have been using CasparCG for many years with a Decklink Duo in 1080i format and finally bit the bullet to upgrade all my gear. Have now the Decklink Duo2 and update CasparCG Server and client.
casparcg-server-v2.4.0-stable-windows --& – casparcg-client-v2.3.0-windows
Although I get a display when executing video, Its not coming onto the switch.
Can someone please advise, maybe config issue
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<log-path disable="false">log/</log-path>
<screen />
<system-audio />
<log-level> info [trace|debug|info|warning|error|fatal]</log-level>
<log-align-columns>true [true|false]</log-align-columns>
<video-mode />
<filename />
<width />
<height />
<enabled>false [true|false]</enabled>
<buffer-depth>auto [auto|1..]</buffer-depth>
<cache-path>(CEF writes some caches next to the executable, which can fail depending on permissions. This changes it to use another path)</cache-path>
<auto-deinterlace>interlaced [none|interlaced|all]</auto-deinterlace>
<threads>4 [1..]</threads>
<remote-debugging-port>0 [0|1024-65535]</remote-debugging-port>
<enable-gpu>false [true|false]</enable-gpu>
<angle-backend>gl [|gl|d3d11|d3d9]</angle-backend>
<auto-load>false [true|false]</auto-load>
<video-mode>PAL [PAL|NTSC|576p2500|720p2398|720p2400|720p2500|720p5000|720p2997|720p5994|720p3000|720p6000|1080p2398|1080p2400|1080i5000|1080i5994|1080i6000|1080p2500|1080p2997|1080p3000|1080p5000|1080p5994|1080p6000|1556p2398|1556p2400|1556p2500|dci1080p2398|dci1080p2400|dci1080p2500|2160p2398|2160p2400|2160p2500|2160p2997|2160p3000|2160p5000|2160p5994|2160p6000|dci2160p2398|dci2160p2400|dci2160p2500] </video-mode>
<key-device>device + 1 [1..] (This is only used with the external_separate_device mode)</key-device>
<embedded-audio>false [true|false]</embedded-audio>
<latency>normal [normal|low|default]</latency>
<keyer>external [external|external_separate_device|internal|default]</keyer>
<key-only>false [true|false]</key-only>
<buffer-depth>3 [1..]</buffer-depth>
<video-mode>(Run the decklink at a different video-mode. Note: the framerate must match that of the channel)</video-mode>
<src-x>0 (x offset into the channel)</src-x>
<src-y>0 (y offset into the channel)</src-y>
<dest-x>0 (x offset of the video onto the output)</dest-x>
<dest-y>0 (y offset of the video onto the output)</dest-y>
<width>0 (width of the region to copy. 0 means no-limit)</width>
<height>0 (height of the region to copy. 0 means no-limit)</height>
<wait-for-reference>auto [auto|enable|disable]</wait-for-reference>
<wait-for-reference-duration>10 (seconds)</wait-for-reference-duration>
(Add secondary ports to be run in sync with the primary. This allows for splitting a wide channel across multiple decklinks, with sync across the outputs guaranteed by the driver on supported cards)
<key-only>false [true|false]</key-only>
<video-mode>(Run the decklink at a different video-mode. Note: the framerate must match that of the channel)</video-mode>
<src-x>0 (x offset into the channel)</src-x>
<src-y>0 (y offset into the channel)</src-y>
<dest-x>0 (x offset of the video onto the output)</dest-x>
<dest-y>0 (y offset of the video onto the output)</dest-y>
<width>0 (width of the region to copy. 0 means no-limit)</width>
<height>0 (height of the region to copy. 0 means no-limit)</height>