Caspar does not render after awhile playing 2.3.2 4de6d18f Dev

I am struggling with an issue.
Since I added an FFmpeg media player in my solution which I use as preview for the operator, I noticed that after awhile playing, Caspar stops to render any template on all channels.
Only solution is to restart CG killing all its services.

I am adding the media player at form load and adding the STREAM on channel 1 after connecting to CG.
I am cleaning data using window.close and remove everytime I am removing a template.
Only in same case I clean the channels (so no systematically at the end of every playout).
It could be a memory leak or simply a bad way to deal with the stream that drives bananas CG?

I dispose of the stream when the application close.

Anyone experienced the same issue or can see any clear mistake?

This behaviour seems like to not be connected to CG or my application but by a watchdog I am using.
Bypassing it the issue does not happen.
I will close this thread.