Caspar CG & Windows 11

Did someone already test CasparCG on Windows 11 ?
Do you have any feedback about it ?

Yes. It works just fine.

Thank you, Vimlesh!

It shouldn’t really be any issue considering windows 10 and 11 are not that far away.

yep i was using it the other day to do some template designs.
worked fine with 2.3.3-LTS

Thank you all.

I’m facing some problems, any time I start CasparCG it appears this messages.

TBBmalloc: skip allocation functions replacement in ucrtbase.dll: unknown prologue for function _msize
[2023-09-14 13:17:49.695029] [0x00003adc] [error]    0# 0x00007FF741BFB906
[2023-09-14 13:17:52.675] [info]    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
[2023-09-14 13:17:52.675] [info]    <configuraTBBmalloc: skip allocation functions replacement in ucrtbase.dll: unknown prologue for function _msize
[2023-09-14 13:17:52.675] [info]       <paths>

And if I type a command directly on the console it works perfectly, but if I use a external application come times it does not assume the commands even with defaul casparcg client.
Some times it receives the command and I need to go to the console an add several “enter/return” and then the command is assumed.

I tested with casparcg 2.3.3 stable and with the latest versions. My Windows 11 version is Windows 11 Pro Insider Preview, 23H2, 25947.1000.
I thing the first versions of Windows 11 it was ok, but stop working as it should some months ago.

Anyone is facing this and know how to resolve?

Could it be because your windows version is a preview one ? Maybe, it will be fixed by microsoft in the released version.