Caspar CG Client Crash

Hello everybody
I have a problem with my CasparCg Client . When i press F2 on declinks and other media files it crashes.I have restarted the PC and the software but the problem continues 3-4 times in 2 hours.

My PC specs :

The client crashes? And the server starts to play the file? Sounds VERY strange to me.

But the sever does not crash? To rule out server problem write in the server console the following command “Play 1-10 yourfilename.fileformat” (of course with a real filename). If the server plays out this OK then it is a client problem otherwise its a server problem.
If it is a client problem try to download the older version (2.0.7) of the client if you are using the new version (2.0.8 or 2.2.0) and see if that would do the trick.

br markus

I have had a client-crash problem.
Not sitting infront of the Caspar I would remember it was the 2.0.8 client that crashed with the 2.1.0 NRK server. Just using the 2.0.7 Client worked without problems and now on the same machine works fine with 2.2.0
HP Z4 G4 / Quadro P4000(?) / win10 Pro

br markus

just client crashes , servers continue playing files

Try version 2.0.8 it works for me. You run on Windows, do you?

yes windows 7 and i already use 2.0.8 client 64 bit version
i have deleted the database file in my documents i have deletdt client and used it again