Capsar -> HDMI -> ATEm Gammashift, less Contrast. Did I need a Decklink?

Hey the newbee again,
and again i cant find the answer. I use hdmi to put fill and key in my Atem, as far it works. I was thinkingin past it works perfekt. Now I play a file and there is less Contrast on the Atem (Gamma shift?). Blacks are no more Black, there is a little green in the light whites now.

In casper Preview (Client) all looks good, so I thinking its the nvidea/hdmi.Allready changes 16-235 to 0-255 and back in the envideo setting.Nothing change, I am thinking last time this helped.

Is there a special ColorProfil AtemStudio HD works with right?

My Question, should I buy a DecklinkCard, was playout over HDMI to Atem Studio a bad Idea.
Are is it the Video File Format, I choosed wrong. Is anyone runnig caspar Playout to Atem over a normal Nvidea Consomercard.

Btw the I not will hear buy decklinkt as Solution, please not :wink:

I hope you can help, we go live on Friday and its so much to do.


“Solved” so far over colorprofil but hard to adjust

What it is the advantage ouf a decklink/sdi to a consumer HDMI playout?

I would never use screen consumers and HDMI out. There is a large performance difference also with using decklink vs 2 screen consumers for fill+key.