May 5, 2020, 7:11pm
Is it possible 2 use a Blackmagic Decklink Studio 2 card?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
The configuration above is the one that CasparCG will read and use. Below you find examples of configuration
options that can be used in the configuration above.
You can *NOT* use any of the examples below by just copy/pasting them above!
These are examples of possible options and values for the configuration file.
They are conformed as:
<tag>default value [other possible values]</tag>
Any tag in the configuration above containing brackets or multiple values will be invalid and will not work.
<log-level> info [trace|debug|info|warning|error|fatal]</log-level>
<log-categories> communication [calltrace|communication|calltrace,communication]</log-categories>
<force-deinterlace> false [true|false]</force-deinterlace>
<channel-grid> false [true|false]</channel-grid>
<blend-modes> false [true|false]</blend-modes>
<mipmapping-default-on>false [true|false]</mipmapping-default-on>
<straight-alpha> false [true|false]</straight-alpha>
<accelerator>auto [cpu|gpu|auto]</accelerator>
<video-mode />
<filename />
<width />
<height />
<buffer-depth>auto [auto|1..]</buffer-depth>
<remote-debugging-port>0 [0|1024-65535]</remote-debugging-port>
<enable-gpu> false [true|false]</enable-gpu>
<generate-thumbnails>true [true|false]</generate-thumbnails>
<video-mode>PAL [PAL|NTSC|576p2500|720p2398|720p2400|720p2500|720p5000|720p2997|720p5994|720p3000|720p6000|1080p2398|1080p2400|1080i5000|1080i5994|1080i6000|1080p2500|1080p2997|1080p3000|1080p5000|1080p5994|1080p6000|1556p2398|1556p2400|1556p2500|dci1080p2398|dci1080p2400|dci1080p2500|2160p2398|2160p2400|2160p2500|2160p2997|2160p3000|2160p5000|2160p5994|2160p6000|dci2160p2398|dci2160p2400|dci2160p2500] </video-mode>
<straight-alpha-output>false [true|false]</straight-alpha-output>
<channel-layout>stereo [mono|stereo|matrix|film|smpte|ebu_r123_8a|ebu_r123_8b|8ch|16ch]</channel-layout>
<timecode>free [free|clock|layer]</timecode>
<timecode_layer>0 [0..]</timecode_layer>
<key-device>device + 1 [1..]</key-device>
<embedded-audio>false [true|false]</embedded-audio>
<channel-layout>stereo [mono|stereo|matrix|film|smpte|ebu_r123_8a|ebu_r123_8b|8ch|16ch]</channel-layout>
<latency>normal [normal|low|default]</latency>
<keyer>external [external|external_separate_device|internal|default]</keyer>
<key-only>false [true|false]</key-only>
<buffer-depth>3 [1..]</buffer-depth>
<sdi-stream>a[a|b|c|d] </sdi-stream>
<embedded-audio>false [true|false]</embedded-audio>
<channel-layout>stereo [mono|stereo|matrix|film|smpte|ebu_r123_8a|ebu_r123_8b|8ch|16ch]</channel-layout>
<key-only>false [true|false]</key-only>
<keyer>disabled [external|internal|disabled] (external only supported on channels a and c, using c requires 4 out connectors) ( internal only available on devices with a hardware keyer) </keyer>
<internal-keyer-audio-source> videooutputchannel [videooutputchannel|sdivideoinput] ( only valid when using internal keyer option) </internal-keyer-audio-source>
<channel-layout>stereo [mono|stereo|matrix]</channel-layout>
<latency>200 [0..]</latency>
<device>1 [1..]</device>
<aspect-ratio>default [default|4:3|16:9]</aspect-ratio>
<stretch>fill [none|fill|uniform|uniform_to_fill]</stretch>
<windowed>true [true|false]</windowed>
<key-only>false [true|false]</key-only>
<auto-deinterlace>true [true|false]</auto-deinterlace>
<vsync>false [true|false]</vsync>
<interactive>true [true|false]</interactive>
<borderless>false [true|false]</borderless>
<args>[most ffmpeg arguments related to filtering and output codecs]</args>
<separate-key>false [true|false]</separate-key>
<mono-streams>false [true|false]</mono-streams>
<producer id="0">AMB LOOP</producer>
<producer id="10">DECKLINK DEVICE 2</producer>
<disable-send-to-amcp-clients>false [true|false]</disable-send-to-amcp-clients>
<channel-layout name="mono" type="mono" num-channels="1" channel-order="FC" />
<channel-layout name="stereo" type="stereo" num-channels="2" channel-order="FL FR" />
<channel-layout name="matrix" type="matrix" num-channels="2" channel-order="ML MR" />
<channel-layout name="film" type="5.1" num-channels="6" channel-order="FL FC FR BL BR LFE" />
<channel-layout name="smpte" type="5.1" num-channels="6" channel-order="FL FR FC LFE BL BR" />
<channel-layout name="ebu_r123_8a" type="5.1+downmix" num-channels="8" channel-order="DL DR FL FR FC LFE BL BR" />
<channel-layout name="ebu_r123_8b" type="5.1+downmix" num-channels="8" channel-order="FL FR FC LFE BL BR DL DR" />
<channel-layout name="8ch" type="8ch" num-channels="8" />
<channel-layout name="16ch" type="16ch" num-channels="16" />
<mix-config from-type="mono" to-types="stereo, 5.1" mix="FL = FC | FR = FC" />
<mix-config from-type="mono" to-types="5.1+downmix" mix="FL = FC | FR = FC | DL = FC | DR = FC" />
<mix-config from-type="mono" to-types="matrix" mix="ML = FC | MR = FC" />
<mix-config from-type="stereo" to-types="mono" mix="FC < FL + FR" />
<mix-config from-type="stereo" to-types="matrix" mix="ML = FL | MR = FR" />
<mix-config from-type="stereo" to-types="5.1" mix="FL = FL | FR = FR" />
<mix-config from-type="stereo" to-types="5.1+downmix" mix="FL = FL | FR = FR | DL = FL | DR = FR" />
<mix-config from-type="5.1" to-types="mono" mix="FC < FL + FR + 0.707*FC + 0.707*BL + 0.707*BR" />
<mix-config from-type="5.1" to-types="stereo" mix="FL < FL + 0.707*FC + 0.707*BL | FR < FR + 0.707*FC + 0.707*BR" />
<mix-config from-type="5.1" to-types="5.1+downmix" mix="FL = FL | FR = FR | FC = FC | BL = BL | BR = BR | LFE = LFE | DL < FL + 0.707*FC + 0.707*BL | DR < FR + 0.707*FC + 0.707*BR" />
<mix-config from-type="5.1" to-types="matrix" mix="ML = 0.3204*FL + 0.293*FC + -0.293*BL + -0.293*BR | MR = 0.3204*FR + 0.293*FC + 0.293*BL + 0.293*BR" />
<mix-config from-type="5.1+stereomix" to-types="mono" mix="FC < DL + DR" />
<mix-config from-type="5.1+stereomix" to-types="stereo" mix="FL = DL | FR = DR" />
<mix-config from-type="5.1+stereomix" to-types="5.1" mix="FL = FL | FR = FR | FC = FC | BL = BL | BR = BR | LFE = LFE" />
<mix-config from-type="5.1+stereomix" to-types="matrix" mix="ML = 0.3204*FL + 0.293*FC + -0.293*BL + -0.293*BR | MR = 0.3204*FR + 0.293*FC + 0.293*BL + 0.293*BR" />
This is my config file, but can’t get anything out on any output.
This card is quite old. Are there any drivers still working with it? Can you post the logfile, were we can see, what Caspar tells while starting up?
May 6, 2020, 11:04am
This is my log
[2020-05-06 13:02:51.992] [6428] [info] process started
[2020-05-06 13:02:51.998] [6428] [info] ############################################################################
[2020-05-06 13:02:51.998] [6428] [info] CasparCG Server is distributed by the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation (SVT)
[2020-05-06 13:02:51.998] [6428] [info] under the GNU General Public License GPLv3 or higher.
[2020-05-06 13:02:51.998] [6428] [info] Please see LICENSE.TXT for details.
[2020-05-06 13:02:51.998] [6428] [info] http://www.casparcg.com/
[2020-05-06 13:02:51.998] [6428] [info] ############################################################################
[2020-05-06 13:02:51.998] [6428] [info] Starting CasparCG Video and Graphics Playout Server 029c71932 NRK
[2020-05-06 13:02:51.998] [6428] [info] on Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1
[2020-05-06 13:02:51.998] [6428] [info] Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5507 @ 2.27GHz Physical Threads: 4
[2020-05-06 13:02:51.999] [6428] [info] Precision WorkStation T3500
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.000] [6428] [info] Initialized reroute module.
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.002] [6428] [info] Initialized ffmpeg module.
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.002] [6428] [info] Initialized oal module.
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.210] [6428] [info] Initialized bluefish module.
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.211] [6428] [info] Initialized decklink module.
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.211] [6428] [info] Initialized screen module.
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.248] [6428] [info] Initialized html module.
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.248] [6428] [info] Initialized psd module.
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.382] [6428] [info] Initialized flash module.
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.382] [6428] [info] Initialized newtek module.
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.382] [6428] [info] Initialized image module.
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.418] [6428] [info] ffmpeg.avcodec 58.11.101
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.418] [6428] [info] ffmpeg.avformat 58.9.100
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.418] [6428] [info] ffmpeg.avfilter 7.12.100
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.418] [6428] [info] ffmpeg.avutil 56.7.101
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] ffmpeg.swscale 5.0.101
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] bluefish.version Not found
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] decklink.version 9.8
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] decklink.device DeckLink Studio 2 [1]
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] cef.version 3.3578.1870
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] cef.chromeversion 71.0.3578.98
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] flash 11.8.800.94
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] newtek-ivga.version unavailable (Processing.AirSend.x64.dll)
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] freeimage 3.16.0
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] casparcg.config:
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] -----------------------------------------
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <configuration>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <log-level>debug</log-level>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <thumbnails>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <generate-thumbnails>false</generate-thumbnails>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] </thumbnails>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <paths>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <media-path>d:/CasparCG/media/</media-path>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <log-path>d:/CasparCG/log/</log-path>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <data-path>d:/CasparCG/data/</data-path>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <template-path>d:/CasparCG/template/</template-path>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <thumbnail-path>d:/CasparCG/thumbnail/</thumbnail-path>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <font-path>d:/CasparCG/font/</font-path>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] </paths>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <lock-clear-phrase>secret</lock-clear-phrase>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <channels>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <channel>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <video-mode>PAL</video-mode>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <channel-layout>stereo</channel-layout>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <consumers>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <decklink>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <device>1</device>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <key-device>device + 1</key-device>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <embedded-audio>false</embedded-audio>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <channel-layout>stereo</channel-layout>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <latency>normal</latency>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <keyer>external</keyer>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <key-only>false</key-only>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <buffer-depth/>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] </decklink>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <screen>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <device>1</device>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <windowed>true</windowed>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] </screen>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <system-audio/>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] </consumers>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] </channel>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] </channels>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <controllers>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <tcp>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <port>5250</port>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <protocol>AMCP</protocol>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] </tcp>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <tcp>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <port>3250</port>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] <protocol>LOG</protocol>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] </tcp>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] </controllers>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] </configuration>
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] -----------------------------------------
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.419] [6428] [info] Initialized video modes.
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.420] [6428] [info] Initialized audio config.
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.420] [6428] [info] Initializing OpenGL Device.
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.948] [6428] [debug] Shutting down OpenGL Rendering Context
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.949] [6428] [info] Initialized Streaming SIMD Extensions Accelerated CPU Image Mixer for channel 1
[2020-05-06 13:02:52.951] [6428] [info] video_channel[1|PAL] Successfully Initialized.
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.028] [6428] [debug] [decklink_consumer]Counter is 1
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.028] [6600] [debug] [decklink_consumer] Destroying on asynchronous destruction thread.
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6600] [debug] [decklink_consumer] Uninitializing.
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6600] [debug] Shutting down decklink_consumer[1]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6600] [info] [decklink_consumer] Uninitialized.
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] modules\decklink\util\../decklink_api.h(94): Throw in function class ATL::CComQIPtr<struct IDeckLinkOutput,&struct __s_GUID const _GUID_cc5c8a6e_3f2f_4b3a_87ea_fd78af300564> __cdecl caspar::decklink::iface_cast<struct IDeckLinkOutput,struct IDeckLink>(const class ATL::CComPtr<struct IDeckLink> &,bool)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] Dynamic exception type: class boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<struct caspar::not_supported>
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] [struct caspar::tag_call_stack_info * __ptr64] =
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000000013F62A25D (casparcg): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000000013F5F00B8 (casparcg): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000000013F94331A (casparcg): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000000013F949FF8 (casparcg): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000000013F94EBA1 (casparcg): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000000013F9533B0 (casparcg): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000000013F5A1B5E (casparcg): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000000013F94E9F5 (casparcg): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000000013F5B3FB3 (casparcg): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000000013FA7B453 (casparcg): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000007FEE2E2173D (ucrtbase): (filename not available): crt_atexit
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 0000000076BF652D (kernel32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 0000000076E2C521 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] [struct caspar::tag_context_info * __ptr64] = casparcg.config: /consumers/decklink[1]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] [struct caspar::tag_msg_info * __ptr64] = Could not cast from struct IDeckLink to struct IDeckLinkOutput. This is probably due to old Decklink drivers.
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] Caught at (main thread):
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000000013F62A25D (casparcg): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000000013F5F00B8 (casparcg): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000000013FB25EBA (casparcg): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000007FEEAA4C220 (VCRUNTIME140): (filename not available): _C_specific_handler
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000007FEEAA429B2 (VCRUNTIME140): (filename not available): _FrameUnwindFilter
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 0000000076E50C21 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlRestoreContext
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000000013F56C4BD (casparcg): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000000013F56FB98 (casparcg): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000000013F5361D4 (casparcg): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000000013F538CE4 (casparcg): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 000000013FAD148D (casparcg): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 0000000076BF652D (kernel32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug] 0000000076E2C521 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.029] [6428] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.033] [6428] [error] Could not cast from struct IDeckLink to struct IDeckLinkOutput. This is probably due to old Decklink drivers. (casparcg.config: /consumers/decklink[1]). Turn on log level debug for stacktrace.
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.064] [6428] [debug] [ffmpeg] [filter_buffer @ 0000000000803340] w:720 h:576 pixfmt:bgra tb:1/25 fr:25/1 sar:64/45 sws_param:
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.064] [6428] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.065] [6428] [debug] [ffmpeg] [auto_scaler_0 @ 0000000000808540] w:iw h:ih flags:'bilinear' interl:0
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.065] [6428] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.065] [6428] [debug] [ffmpeg] [filter_buffersink @ 0000000000805700] auto-inserting filter 'auto_scaler_0' between the filter 'Parsed_yadif_1' and the filter 'filter_buffersink'
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.065] [6428] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.065] [6428] [debug] [ffmpeg] [auto_scaler_1 @ 000000000080C640] w:iw h:ih flags:'bilinear' interl:0
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.065] [6428] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.065] [6428] [debug] [ffmpeg] [Parsed_format_0 @ 0000000000805B00] auto-inserting filter 'auto_scaler_1' between the filter 'filter_buffer' and the filter 'Parsed_format_0'
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.065] [6428] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.066] [6428] [debug] [ffmpeg] [auto_scaler_1 @ 000000000080C640] w:720 h:576 fmt:bgra sar:64/45 -> w:720 h:576 fmt:gbrp sar:64/45 flags:0x2
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.066] [6428] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] [ffmpeg] [auto_scaler_0 @ 0000000000808540] w:720 h:576 fmt:gbrp sar:64/45 -> w:720 h:576 fmt:bgra sar:64/45 flags:0x2
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] +---------------+
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] | filter_buffer |default--[720x576 64:45 bgra]--auto_scaler_1:default
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] | (buffer) |
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] +---------------+
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] +-------------------+
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] auto_scaler_0:default--[720x576 64:45 bgra]--default| filter_buffersink |
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] | (buffersink) |
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] +-------------------+
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] +-----------------+
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] auto_scaler_1:default--[720x576 64:45 gbrp]--default| Parsed_format_0 |default--[720x576 64:45 gbrp]--Parsed_yadif_1:default
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] | (format) |
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] +-----------------+
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] +----------------+
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] Parsed_format_0:default--[720x576 64:45 gbrp]--default| Parsed_yadif_1 |default--[720x576 64:45 gbrp]--auto_scaler_0:default
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] | (yadif) |
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] +----------------+
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] +---------------+
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] Parsed_yadif_1:default--[720x576 64:45 gbrp]--default| auto_scaler_0 |default--[720x576 64:45 bgra]--filter_buffersink:default
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] | (scale) |
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] +---------------+
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] +---------------+
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] filter_buffer:default--[720x576 64:45 bgra]--default| auto_scaler_1 |default--[720x576 64:45 gbrp]--Parsed_format_0:default
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] | (scale) |
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug] +---------------+
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.067] [6428] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.068] [6428] [info] Screen consumer [1|PAL] Initialized.
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.110] [6428] [debug] [audio_channel_remapper] Input: [audio_channel_layout] num_channels=2 type=STEREO channel_order=FL FR
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.110] [6428] [debug] [audio_channel_remapper] Output: [audio_channel_layout] num_channels=2 type=STEREO channel_order=FL FR
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.110] [6428] [debug] [audio_channel_remapper] No remapping/mixing needed because the input and output layout is equal.
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.110] [6428] [info] oal[1|PAL] Initialized.
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.110] [6428] [info] Initialized channels.
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.110] [6428] [info] Initialized thumbnail generator.
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.111] [6428] [info] Initialized command repository.
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.111] [6428] [info] timecode[1] - Set to freerun
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.111] [6428] [info] Initialized channel predefined producers.
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.112] [6428] [info] Initialized controllers.
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.113] [6428] [info] Initialized osc.
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.113] [6428] [info] Started initial media information retrieval.
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.123] [1176] [debug] [diagnostics] [Screen consumer [1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.159] [3932] [debug] [ffmpeg] [auto_scaler_1 @ 000000000080C640] w:720 h:576 fmt:bgra sar:0/1 -> w:720 h:576 fmt:gbrp sar:0/1 flags:0x2
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.159] [3932] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.173] [3932] [debug] [ffmpeg] [auto_scaler_0 @ 0000000000808540] w:720 h:576 fmt:gbrp sar:0/1 -> w:720 h:576 fmt:bgra sar:0/1 flags:0x2
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.173] [3932] [debug]
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.217] [2872] [info] Initial media information retrieval finished.
[2020-05-06 13:02:53.407] [1176] [debug] [diagnostics] [Screen consumer [1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:02:54.371] [1176] [debug] [diagnostics] [Screen consumer [1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:02:55.731] [1176] [debug] [diagnostics] [Screen consumer [1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:02:56.692] [1176] [debug] [diagnostics] [Screen consumer [1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:02:57.102] [1176] [debug] [diagnostics] [Screen consumer [1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:02:57.342] [1176] [debug] [diagnostics] [Screen consumer [1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:02:57.582] [1176] [debug] [diagnostics] [Screen consumer [1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.182] [6460] [info] async_event_server[:5250] Accepted connection from (1 connections).
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.218] [6460] [info] Received message from VERSION SERVER\r\n
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.218] [4764] [debug] Executing command: VERSION
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.219] [6528] [info] Sent message to VERSION OK\r\n2.1.11.12318 029c71932 NRK\r\n
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.219] [6528] [debug] Executed command (0.001s): VERSION
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.236] [6460] [info] Received message from INFO\r\n
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.236] [4764] [debug] Executing command: INFO
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.236] [6528] [info] Sent message to INFO OK\r\n1 PAL PLAYING\r\n\r\n
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.236] [6528] [debug] Executed command (0s): INFO
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.236] [6460] [info] Received message from CLS\r\n
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.237] [4764] [debug] Executing command: CLS
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.237] [6460] [info] Received message from TLS\r\n
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.238] [6528] [info] Sent message to CLS OK\r\n"LOGO" STILL 42311 20200504153033 0 0/1\r\n"TRæPLANTNING-HD-H264" MOVIE 314153390 20140327180414 3234 1/25\r\n\r\n
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.238] [6528] [debug] Executed command (0.002s): CLS
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.238] [4764] [debug] Executing command: TLS
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.238] [6460] [info] Received message from DATA LIST\r\n
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.238] [6460] [info] Received message from THUMBNAIL LIST\r\n
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.244] [6528] [info] Sent message to TLS OK\r\n"Den gamle biograf/BUNDT" 67510 20200422195917 flash\r\n"Den gamle biograf/CREDIT" 69925 20200425071652 flash\r\n"Den gamle biograf/CU_TEKST" 67086 20200422185555 flash\r\n"Den gamle biograf/FF_FOTO" 36183 20200424131701 flash\r\n"Den gamle biograf/MUSIK_BUNDT" 67512 20200422202956 flash\r\n"Den gamle biograf/PROGRAM_RIGHT" 127018 20200424212118 flash\r\n"Den gamle biograf/VAERTS_BUNDT" 67075 20200422195008 flash\r\n\r\n
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.244] [6528] [debug] Executed command (0.006s): TLS
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.244] [4764] [debug] Executing command: DATA LIST
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.245] [6528] [info] Sent message to DATA LIST OK\r\n\r\n
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.245] [6528] [debug] Executed command (0.001s): DATA LIST
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.245] [4764] [debug] Executing command: THUMBNAIL LIST
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.245] [6528] [info] Sent message to THUMBNAIL LIST OK\r\n\r\n
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.246] [6528] [debug] Executed command (0s): THUMBNAIL LIST
[2020-05-06 13:02:58.551] [1176] [debug] [diagnostics] [Screen consumer [1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:03:00.032] [1176] [debug] [diagnostics] [Screen consumer [1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:03:01.433] [1176] [debug] [diagnostics] [Screen consumer [1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:03:04.790] [6460] [info] Received message from CG 1-20 ADD 1 "Den gamle biograf/BUNDT" 1 "<templateData></templateData>"\r\n
[2020-05-06 13:03:04.790] [3944] [debug] Executing command: CG ADD
[2020-05-06 13:03:04.793] [3944] [info] flash[d:/CasparCG/template/\cg20.fth.pal|0] Initialized
[2020-05-06 13:03:04.793] [3944] [debug] flash[d:/CasparCG/template/\cg20.fth.pal|0] Invoking add-command: <invoke name="Add" returntype="xml"><arguments><number>1</number><string>d:/CasparCG/template/Den gamle biograf/BUNDT.ft</string><true/><string></string><string><![CDATA[<templateData></templateData>]]></string></arguments></invoke>
[2020-05-06 13:03:04.830] [1448] [debug] [diagnostics] [flash[d:/CasparCG/template/\cg20.fth.pal|0]] late-frame [ch=1; layer=20]
[2020-05-06 13:03:04.869] [1448] [debug] [diagnostics] [flash[d:/CasparCG/template/\cg20.fth.pal|0]] late-frame [ch=1; layer=20]
[2020-05-06 13:03:04.895] [6848] [debug] flash-player[cg20.fth.pal|1024x576@50] [command] <invoke name="OnCommand" returntype="xml"><arguments><string>Command recieved @GetInfo@?@</string></arguments></invoke>
[2020-05-06 13:03:04.900] [6848] [info] flash-player[cg20.fth.pal|1024x576@50] Initialized.
[2020-05-06 13:03:04.900] [6848] [debug] flash-player[cg20.fth.pal|1024x576@50] Call: <invoke name="Add" returntype="xml"><arguments><number>1</number><string>d:/CasparCG/template/Den gamle biograf/BUNDT.ft</string><true/><string></string><string><![CDATA[<templateData></templateData>]]></string></arguments></invoke>
[2020-05-06 13:03:04.903] [6848] [debug] flash-player[cg20.fth.pal|1024x576@50] [command] <invoke name="OnCommand" returntype="xml"><arguments><string>Command recieved @Add@1@</string></arguments></invoke>
[2020-05-06 13:03:04.909] [1448] [debug] [diagnostics] [flash[d:/CasparCG/template/\cg20.fth.pal|0]] late-frame [ch=1; layer=20]
[2020-05-06 13:03:04.943] [6848] [debug] flash-player[cg20.fth.pal|1024x576@25] [activity] <invoke name="OnActivity" returntype="xml"><arguments><string>Command finished @Add@1@</string></arguments></invoke>
[2020-05-06 13:03:04.949] [1448] [debug] [diagnostics] [flash[d:/CasparCG/template/\cg20.fth.pal|0]] late-frame [ch=1; layer=20]
[2020-05-06 13:03:04.969] [6848] [debug] flash-player[cg20.fth.pal|1024x576@25] [activity] <invoke name="OnActivity" returntype="xml"><arguments><string>Command finished @Play@1@</string></arguments></invoke>
[2020-05-06 13:03:04.982] [6528] [info] Sent message to CG OK\r\n
[2020-05-06 13:03:04.982] [6528] [debug] Executed command (0.192s): CG ADD
[2020-05-06 13:03:06.246] [1176] [debug] [diagnostics] [Screen consumer [1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:03:07.331] [1176] [debug] [diagnostics] [Screen consumer [1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:03:08.533] [1176] [debug] [diagnostics] [Screen consumer [1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:03:09.213] [1176] [debug] [diagnostics] [Screen consumer [1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:03:10.137] [1176] [debug] [diagnostics] [Screen consumer [1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:03:11.137] [1176] [debug] [diagnostics] [Screen consumer [1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:03:12.297] [1176] [debug] [diagnostics] [Screen consumer [1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:03:12.755] [1176] [warning] [channel] Performance warning. Consume blocked: 0.458
[2020-05-06 13:03:12.756] [6924] [warning] [channel] Performance warning. Tick blocked: 0.475
[2020-05-06 13:03:12.773] [6888] [debug] [diagnostics] [oal[1|PAL]] late-frame [ch=1]
[2020-05-06 13:03:12.773] [6888] [debug] [diagnostics] [oal[1|PAL]] dropped-frame [ch=1]
Your config is invalid, check it here: https://casparcg.net/validator/
What decklink drivers are you running? I think the old Studio 2 isn’t supported in any drivers for a couple of years, and moving to a very old driver might be a problem for CCG.
I believe casparcg requires decklink drivers 10.4 or newer.
I would be surprised if that card was too old to work with newer drivers, I am running a Decklink sdi happily on latest firmware, and I expect that to be of about the same age
May 6, 2020, 11:29am
I’ll try with newer drivers
I am using Plycast Playout Automation Client software with nvidia geforce GT610 GPU and Decklink Studio2 card with Desktop Video 14.5 software but could not get Video out from card. But when i use Blackmagic video player, the video is fine on monitor. Pls suggest me where am i doing wrong? Thanks
Desktop Video 14.5 driver version not working in some version of casparcg. I am on version 12.9