Hi there,
I’m Michael from Holland and new to CasparCG.
I,m working at a local news station an we want to upgrade to a new workflow.
Curently we use adobeCC fore editing and exporting. Then we put the clips in a Playlist from datavideo and the playuot looks like this:
text tv (server HDMI) 15 min per hour
Video list (datavideo DPO 100 software) 45 min per hour
Livestream (internet) 1h30 min on Sundays
Routing with Blackmagic ATEM Telvision Studio 8 Input Switcher
It works well but we have to switch manually on Sundays and and open a link, make it full screen playing on hdmi 2.
I Think that CasparCG can help me out but dont know what the best and simpel playout system is fore me.
I am not a programmer or so and and want to know more about CaspaCG.