ADD 1 SCREEN size and position

I use a screen consumer with a smaller size for previewing lowerthirds.

in the config with:426x240

But when I accidenly remove the screen consumer and want to add it again without restarting the server.

Using ACMP and sending:
works for adding the screen. But can’t get size to work

Running caspar 2.4.1
tried running server/src/modules/screen/consumer/screen_consumer.cpp at master · CasparCG/server · GitHub
through an AI:

Looking at the source code, I can see the issue. The size parameters need to be specified as WIDTH and HEIGHT in the ADD SCREEN command. Here’s the correct syntax:
You can also combine it with position if needed:
ADD 1 SCREEN WIDTH 1280 HEIGHT 720 X 100 Y 100

Tried that but also does not work.

Am I missing something?

std::wstring    name          = L"Screen consumer";
int             screen_index  = 0;
int             screen_x      = 0;
int             screen_y      = 0;
int             screen_width  = 0;
int             screen_height = 0;

Found this in the cpp, name works:
add 1 screen name test

but screen_width doe snot ;-(
add 1 screen screen_width 640 screen_height 300

Supid thing it does look for screen_index:

[info] Received message from Console: add 1 screen 1 640 360\r\n
[warning] Screen consumer [1|1080i5000] Could not find display settings for screen-index: 1

The source code you link to there is for the beta builds. Those parameters are only supported there and not in v2.4.1. server/src/modules/screen/consumer/screen_consumer.cpp at v2.4.1-stable · CasparCG/server · GitHub is the version of the file in v2.4.1

tnx, good to know it will be in an new version of caspar!
Manual resize for now then.

Looking at the actual source code, I can see that the screen consumer creation function create_consumer only processes certain specific parameters, and size/position parameters aren’t among them. The parameters it checks for are:

  1. FULLSCREEN (to set windowed = false)
  3. SBS_KEY
  4. NON_INTERACTIVE (to set interactive = false)
  6. NAME