NDI backport for NRK's Server

Well, after a few weeks I’ve done fairly enough testing to tell that everything works pretty well with this fork, save for a few things.

NDI performs well and it’s useful to use as a replacement for screen-consumer in some cases as it doesn’t perform properly in my machine. Although, to be fair, no screen-consumer behaves properly in my machine (i3-7350K, GTX 1660). Tested in production, NDI screen is way more performant and flexible, as it allows to dynamically open/close monitors, as well as selecting the channel source, given it’s setup properly.

A thing that has happened on my Server instances in production is that, for some reason, first start of Server yields a black screen and diagnostics log outputs, and no response from AMCP commands. I haven’t tested yet if that’s because of producers settings in my config file. So I have to take it down, reboot, and try again.

Also, system-audio consumers don’t seem to perform well too. This can be alleviated by using NDI Screen Monitor and setting its audio monitoring on, with the caveat of using NDI Tools 3.8 as discussed in this post. Tools available in this post.

So I’m up for anything now, @Julusian. If you need me to run any particular test, I’m all gears. :wink: