Loopic - visual tool for creating CasparCG HTML templates

I’ve tried your exapmle but as any other crawler template I tried it is not exactly smooth and sometimes stops for couple miliseconds and then jums a few pixels in front and the faster the speed is the more obvious it becomes. I want to ask do you also have the same problem or is it my server settings or something?


where do you notice the crawler not being smooth? On CasparCG’s final output or screen consumer?
I haven’t had any issues with the crawler from above, nor did I get any complaints from others regarding the performance. What are your computer’s specs? Can you share your config file?

Just a quick statement regarding the delay since the community deserves to know the status of the project. Unfortunately, as we have all seen, the prior-to-IBC release goal was not achieved. But, the good thing is that the new version will be released next week (final testings are in progress), so stay tuned and please accept my apologies for the delay!


Is it possible to move the mask around or move things inside the mask?

In flash it was possible to make a shape to mask and then move it around, is it possible here?

It will be possible in the new version that is coming out soon :slight_smile:


Loopic 1.0.0 :rocket:

Finally, I’m releasing Loopic 1.0.0 - the first significant update since the release of the Loopic beta last year.

It took me quite some time to develop this new version. Loopic now has an entirely new codebase, which will allow its further development and growth. You probably won’t notice any ground-breaking changes at first glance, but it should behave much better.

New features

I will list a few new features that have been introduced in this new version.

:one: Click, drag, and draw :pen:

Now you can create elements simply by selecting tools from the toolbox and starting drawing directly on the canvas. You can create text boxes, and image loaders or you can even take the pen tool and draw anything you want!

:two: Masks :performing_arts:

You can finally draw masks on top of text, images, image sequences, and other compositions… without any coding! Simply select the element on which you want to draw a mask on and then select the “Pen” or “Rectangle” tool. Any shape you draw now will be applied as a mask that can be animated, just like any other element.
Important note: this feature requires the latest CasparCG.

:three: Template preview simulation :lab_coat:

If you click on the “Preview” button next to the “Export”, a new Pop-up window will appear, simulating CasparCG’s output. So - you don’t need to use CasparCG while developing templates, but you can use this built-in tool for testing purposes (especially useful if developing on low-end computers).

:four: Performance and UX :racing_car:

Maybe not something you will notice right away, but if you start playing with image sequences and many layers, you will notice that there is much less (if any) lag.
The performance of the exported templates has also been improved and should perform much better than in beta.
There is also a bunch of small UX tweaks that will make using this version easier (like up/down/right/left arrow keys, CTRL/SHIFT layer selection…)


The new version is available on the same old URL: https://app.loopic.io/

Please note that you won’t be able to load your old .loo files in the new version. But no worries - the old beta version will still be available on https://beta.app.loopic.io/ and you can keep using it if you wish. However, there won’t be any support for the beta version anymore, since the development focus is now on the new version.


:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: nice !!! many thanks

Just worry about price :grinning:

Thx for loopic 1.0.0 . Why just rectangle and Pen Tool masks? I need Circular masks :pensive:
Is it possible to update the mask shapes or even give the ability to use pre rendert masks such as pngs or a png Sequenz as a mask?

Only rectangle and pen tool masks are there because you need to start from somewhere :slight_smile: Other types of shapes and masks will come in future updates.

Hello @imare.
Have I done anything wrong, if I can’t draw a mask on top of a rectangle shape?

I don’t seem to be able to configure size of a rectangle?

Brg Tue.

Hi, no, you haven’t done anything wrong. Currently masking shapes is not supported, and you can not set the size and position of shapes from the settings panel (panel on the right side). This will come in future updates.

Hi Imare,

I wanted to try the crawler with the image as separator in the last version of loopic. I doesn’t accept the old *.loo file.
Can you make the template available in the newer version of loopic?

regards hans

Really enjoying using Loopic so far, such a great tool! I appear to have found a bug though - I’m trying to create a basic text scroll for end credits and it looks at though it breaks the export. You click on the export button and nothing happens at all. The text box extends beyond the canvas and is just keyframed to move from bottom to top. I’m using Chrome on OSX. Any thoughts?

Hi, if it is possible, please send your project file (.loo) to loopicapp@gmail.com and I will check it.

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Hi, there was a bug with multiline text and it has been fixed in the newest available version (1.3.1). Thanks for the report!


That’s great, thanks Ivan!

I used the updated version of Loopic and it’s so good

I don’t know if it’s possible to rotate the text 90 degrees.

Hello. Great job! Is it possible to make an intro - body - outro so that the body is in a loop?

Currently, you can’t rotate text or any other objects.