First we used classical tweens and the animation worked inside of Animate CC. But now with motion tweens we can`t animate the alpha channel because when adding a keyframe we can only choose position, scale, rotation and all, but color is deactivated. What are we doing wrong?
That is correct. To be able to animate the alpha for TextFields and the like, you need to encapsulate them in a MovieClip. Just right click it and select “Convert to MovieClip”. Then you can add an alpha color effect and animate it.
Excuse me but I have a question for you I have created perfectly recognized adobe animation templates, but when I insert a new layer and add text to it, the Key Fill output of the decklink shows me a blank screenshot just at the end of the flash sequence, you know What could that fault be due to? Without text it works perfectly for me. Thank you
You alredy asked that question in another thread. That does not help. The problem with your post is, that it is not possible to understand what and how you did it and therefor no one will be able to help you. You either should try go explain more and better, share some screenshots or share your .fla and .as files.
Hello friend, my problem is with the key signal (mask) that gives me the output of the decklink duo. When the animation ends I miss a blank and it does not give me the correct output signal to do the insertion in the video mixer do you know how to fix it?